Statement of the administrative sources of the DWP statistics
A statement about the administrative sources of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) statistics.
DWP complies with the UK Statistics Authority code of practice for official statistics.
DWP has published this statement of administrative sources in accordance with Protocol 3 of the UK Statistics Authority’s code of practice for official statistics.
There is more about our statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.
Updates to this page
Published 14 July 2010Last updated 1 March 2017 + show all updates
Published updated versions of the 'statement of the administrative sources of DWP statistics' (now dated February 2017) and 'list supporting the statement of the administrative sources of DWP statistics'.
Published updated list supporting the statement of the administrative sources of DWP statistics - added new official statistics products, DWP administrative sources, and non-DWP administrative sources.
Updated list supporting the statement of the administrative sources of DWP statistics (XLS file).
Published updated statement of administrative sources to include a new section on how DWP assures itself that data sources are correct. Published updated list of stats products to include Provider Referrals and Payment (PraP) System as a source of data.
First published.