Statistical Data Return 2013 to 2014
The Statistical Data Return is an annual online survey completed by all private registered providers of social housing in England.
Applies to England
The SDR collects data on stock size, types, location and rents at 31 March each year, and data on sales and acquisitions made between 1 April and 31 March.
The responsible statistician for this statistical release was Amanda Hall and the lead official was Jonathan Walters. Statistical queries on this publication should be directed to Amanda Hall via the Referrals & Regulatory Enquiries Team on 0300 124 5252 or email
Users are encouraged to provide comments and feedback on how these statistics are used and how they meet user needs. Please send a response entitled “SDR Feedback” to the RSH Referrals and Regulatory Enquiries team at
The annual releases are available on the Statistical Data Return statistical releases collections page.