Accredited official statistics

Pre-release access list for: Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales: April 2022 to March 2023

Published 6 July 2023

Applies to England and Wales

This statistical bulletin was produced by analytical professionals and production staff in Home Office Analysis and Insight Directorate. Pre-release access was given to the following persons 24 hours in advance of release:

1. Home Office

  • Home Secretary
  • Minister of State for Crime and Policing
  • Permanent Secretary
  • Special Advisers (2)
  • Minister of State for Security and Borders
  • Head of Firearms Policy Unit
  • Press Officer, Police & Fire Desk (3)
  • Chief Analyst and Home Office Analysis & Insight Director
  • Chief Scientific Adviser and Director General for Science, Technology, Analysis, Research and Strategy

In addition, Private Secretaries in the Ministers’ and Special Advisers’ Private Offices will have access to pre-release figures for handling arrangements.

In addition to staff in the Home Office responsible for production of the statistics, the following staff have also had access to pre-release figures for quality assurance purposes.

2. Home Office (quality assurance)

  • Policy leads, Firearms Policy Unit (2)
  • Central Administrator of the National Firearms Licensing Management System