Accredited official statistics

Revisions statement, 10 April 2024: Statistics on International Development final UK aid spend 2022

Updated 9 July 2024

On 10 April 2024, the Statistics on International Development (SID): Final Aid Spend 2022 publication was updated to take account of a set of revisions for 2022 Official Development Assistance (ODA).

These revisions are minor, and the trends reported in the SID: Final Aid Spend 2022 publication are unaffected. They were prompted by a quality assurance exercise carried out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which is normally done before SID is published but for 2022 data was done after publication.  We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

The effect of these revisions has reduced UK ODA by £9.7 million in 2022. The revised figure for total UK ODA in 2022 is £12,786 million; the ODA:GNI ratio continues to be 0.51 per cent. All affected accompanying tables and underlying data have been updated (revisions in the tables have been marked with [r]).


Specific revisions which have affected the value of total ODA are reported below:

Department Donor project number Old net ODA value (£) New net ODA value (£) Reason for revision
BEIS GB-GOV-13-IAEA_RB 12,614,760.61 4,162,871.00 Inadvertently counted the whole core contribution to each organisation as ODA when only a portion should have been ODA eligible[footnote 1]
BEIS GB-GOV-13-UNFCCC 2,427,868.85 1,481,000.00 Inadvertently counted the whole core contribution to each organisation as ODA when only a portion should have been ODA eligible[footnote 1]
FCDO 300708-194 23,955.90 - Re-assessed to be not ODA eligible
CSSF CSSF CYB INT 22001 41,515.00 33,212.00 Project benefits ASEAN countries, not all ODA-eligible; re-assessed as 80%, rather than 100% ODA-eligible
DEFRA Nagoya 415,806.69 69,265.00 Reporting error
Scottish Government CJF-22-5 - 50,000.00 Inadvertently excluded previously

There have been minor revisions to some other variables which do not affect the value of total ODA but which may have led to small changes between categories for some figures within the tables. These have been updated in the 2022 underlying data and affected table cells have been marked with [r]. The variables affected are:

  • benefitting countries
  • ‘type of aid’ codes
  • bilateral/multilateral markers
  • channel codes
  • sector codes
  1. For more information on the proportion of core contributions to multilaterals that are ODA-eligible please see:  2