Accredited official statistics

Statutory homelessness in England: financial year 2022-23

Accredited official statistics on statutory homelessness applications, duties, and outcomes for local authorities in England.

Applies to England


Households with children, 2021-22 to 2022-23

Households without children, 2021-22 to 2022-23

Flows tables: 2021-22

Households with care leavers aged 18-20, 2022-23

Homelessness flows dashboard 2021-2022

Support needs dashboard 2022-23


Quarterly statutory homeless statistics have been published since December 2018. This annual release takes previously published data to show a fuller analysis of the data over time.

Flows analysis for cases initially assessed in 2021-22 can be explored using the Flows dashboard.

Support needs data for 2022-23 can be explored using the Support Needs dashboard.

These statistics were labelled Accredited Official Statistics in October 2023. Information on Accredited Official Statistics is available on the UK Statistics Authority website.

Updates to this page

Published 13 October 2023
Last updated 6 November 2023 show all updates
  1. Household projection figures, and columns calculating rates by authority, in Detailed Local Authority Tables have been updated (Table A1, columns N, O, P). This change has been made as previous household projection figures were not referencing the correct authority and year.

  2. First published.

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