Arts - Taking Part Survey 2019/20
Published 16 September 2020
Applies to England
The Taking Part survey asks questions on whether respondents have engaged with the arts. The survey questions for 5-10 year olds are completed by an adult on behalf of the child and ask about activities done outside of school only. The interview for 11-15 year olds is conducted with the young person themselves and the questions cover activities done both in school lessons and outside of school.
In 2019/20, almost all children aged 5-15 (96%) had engaged with the arts in the last 12 months, similar to 2018/19.
Figure 1.1: Arts engagement in the last 12 months, outside of school for 5-10 year olds, and both inside and outside of school for 11-15 year olds, 2008/09 to 2019/20

There were no difference in levels of arts engagement in the last 12 months for children aged 11-15 and children aged 5-10 (96%). This trend is consistent with the previous year.
1. 5-10 year olds
In 2019/20, 96% of children aged 5-10 had engaged with the arts outside of school in the last 12 months. This was the same as in 2018/19 (96%), and there was no statistically significant difference in engagement between boys and girls in this age group, with engagement rates of 95% and 97% respectively.
The proportion of children who had participated in specific arts activities varied: reading and writing activities remained the most common arts activity for 5-10 year olds, with 81% doing this activity in the last 12 months in 2019/20. Other popular activities were arts and crafts (70%), and film or video activities (69%) (see Annex C for details).
For most activities, participation has not changed since the previous year. However, there has been a significant decrease in dance participation for 5-10 year olds, with 25% doing this activity in 2019/20, dropping from 33% in 2018/19. Also, participation in dance activities by 5-10 year old girls has dropped from 54% to 40%.
Figure 1.2: Proportion of children aged 5-10 years old who had engaged with selected art forms outside school in the last 12 months, 2019/20

2. 11-15 year olds
In 2019/20, 96% of 11-15 year olds had engaged with the arts in the 12 months prior to interview, either inside or outside of school. This is a similar proportion to 2018/19 (97%). There was a significant difference in engagement between boys and girls, with engagement rates of 93% and 98% respectively, a difference not observed in 2018/19.
Reading and writing (83%) and film or video activities (79%) were the most common arts activities for children aged 11-15 years old. Other activities with high participation rates were arts and crafts activities (67%), music activities (56%) and theatre and drama activities (54%).
There were however no significant changes in engagement with any art form from 2018/19 to 2019/20.
Figure 1.3: Proportion of children aged 11-15 years old who had engaged with selected art forms inside or outside school in the last 12 months, 2019/20

3. In and out of school engagement (11-15 year olds)
For these activities, a significantly higher proportion of 11-15 year olds did theatre and drama activities (29%) in school only, compared to outside of school only (6%). Also, 24% of 11-15 year olds reported doing reading and writing activities in school only, a significantly higher proportion than those who reported doing this activity outside school only (6%).
Most 11-15 year olds who took part in, or had been to, street arts, circus, festival or carnival events had only done so outside of school (31%), whilst just over half (53%) of those who engaged in film or video activities did so outside of school only.
Figure 1.4: In school or out of school engagement for each activity in the last year, 11-15 year olds, 2019/20