Official Statistics
Pre-release access list: SFR42/2017
Published 9 May 2017
Applies to England
As well as DfE professional and production staff, the following post holders are given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release.
- Secretary of State for Education
- Private Secretary (SoS Private Office)
- Special Advisor to the Secretary of State
- Special Advisor to the Secretary of State
- Private Secretary to the SoS SpAd (Private Office)
- Minister for Schools
- Private Secretary to the Minister for Schools (Private Office)
Senior Officials
- Permanent Secretary for Education
- Private Secretary (Permanent Secretary’s Private Office)
- Director General, Education Standards Directorate
- Head of Profession for Statistics
- Director, Teachers and Teaching Group
- Director, National College for Teaching and Leadership
Press Office
- Senior Press Officer
- Press Officer
Policy Officials
- Deputy Director, ITT and Teacher Supply
- Deputy Director, Initial Teacher Training & Fieldwork
- Deputy Director, Curriculum and Standards Division
- Policy Advisor, Curriculum and Standards Division