Transport energy and environment statistics: 2011
Statistics on transport energy consumption and the environmental impact of transport, including greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions.
The report shows:
- greenhouse gas emissions were unchanged between 1990 and 2009. There was an 8% increase between 1990 and 2007, followed by an 8% between 2007 and 2009
- greenhouse gas emissions from UK international shipping and aviation, based on fuel consumed from UK supplies, increased by 75% between 1990 and 2009
- domestic transport and international transport make up 20% and 7% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions, respectively
- as a proportion of total UK greenhouse gas emissions, emissions from transport have increased from 18% in 1990 to 27% in 2009
- renewable energy in the form of biofuels blended into petrol and road diesel, made up 3.0% of road transport energy consumption in 2010, up from 0.2% in 2005
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Transport energy and environment statistics
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