TSM and initial teacher training allocations: 2018 to 2019
How the National College for Teaching and Leadership uses the teacher supply model (TSM) to allocate training places to schools and training providers.
Applies to England
Information on the teacher supply model (TSM), along with a methodological annex, and the allocations of new initial teacher training entrant places to schools and training providers for the 2018 to 2019 academic year.
Previous versions of the model are also available for the 2015 to 2016, 2016 to 2017 and 2017 to 2018 academic years.
For enquiries on the teacher supply model contact:
Teachers and teaching analysis unit
Email TeachersAnalysisUnit.MAILBOX@education.gov.uk
Emma Ibberson 07824 082838
For enquiries on allocations contact:
ITT allocations team
Email ITT.allocations@education.gov.uk
Sally Mercer 020 7340 7077