Accredited official statistics

Latest UK milk prices and composition of milk

Monthly UK averages of the farm-gate price and butterfat and protein content of milk delivered to dairies.


Methodology, data users and revisions policy (odt)


Most milk produced in the UK is bought by dairies (registered ‘milk purchasers’) for processing. Defra runs a monthly survey in England and Wales to collect information on the volume, value and protein content of milk purchased from farms. Similar surveys are run in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Additional information is collected by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) on the protein and butterfat content of the milk. The UK average farm-gate milk price, protein content and butterfat content is then calculated.

Next update: see the statistics release calendar

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Updates to this page

Published 27 June 2013
Last updated 27 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Update with data for January 2025.

  2. Update with November and December 2024 data.

  3. Update with data for October 2024.

  4. Update to September report.

  5. Updated with August 2024 data

  6. Updated with July 2024 data

  7. Updated with data for June 2024.

  8. Added statistics notice and data set for May 2024.

  9. United Kingdom milk prices and composition of milk – statistics notice (data for April 2024).

  10. Added data for March 2024.

  11. Update for February 2024.

  12. Update for January 2024.

  13. United Kingdom milk prices and composition of milk – statistics notice (data for December 2023)

  14. Added statistics notice and dataset for October 2023.

  15. Update for September 2023.

  16. United Kingdom milk prices and composition of milk – statistics notice (data for August 2023)

  17. United Kingdom milk prices and composition of milk – statistics notice (data for July 2023).

  18. Updated with data for June 2023.

  19. Updated with data for May 2023.

  20. Statistics notice with data for April 2023.

  21. Graph 1.2 United Kingdom farm-gate milk price (pence per litre) has been replaced with the correct chart.

  22. Stats notice- added data for March 2023.

  23. Publishing data for February 2023.

  24. Updated for United Kingdom milk prices and composition of milk – statistics notice (data for January 2023)

  25. Edited to include data for November and December 2022.

  26. Updated to include milk prices data for October 2022.

  27. Edited to include data for September 2022.

  28. Updated with data for August 2022.

  29. Edited to include data for July 2022.

  30. Updated to June 2022 notice and dataset.

  31. Updated to include data for May 2022.

  32. Edited to include data for April 2022.

  33. Added statistical notice (March data).

  34. Updated to include data for February 2022.

  35. Updated with statistical release and dataset for January 2022.

  36. Edited to include data for December 2021.

  37. Edited to include data for October 2021.

  38. Edited the statistics notice and dataset to include September 2021 figures.

  39. Added latest statistical notice and datasets.

  40. Edited to include July 2021 statistics (notice and dataset).

  41. Edited to include new data for June 2021.

  42. Added statistical notice and dataset with data for May 2021.

  43. Edited to include data for April 2021.

  44. Added statistical notice with data to March 2021.

  45. Updated statistical notice and dataset with data to February 2021.

  46. Corrected 'Percentage change in key items: Jan 20 compared to Jan 21 chart'.

  47. Updated with statistical release and dataset for January 2021.

  48. Edited to include data for December 2020.

  49. Edited to include November 2020 statistics.

  50. Replaced September 2020 with October 2020 statistics.

  51. Updated methodology

  52. Added latest statistical notice and dataset.

  53. Added statistical notice and dataset.

  54. Updated with statistical release and dataset for July 2020.

  55. Edited price and composition report and dataset, replaced May with June 2020 statistics.

  56. Added latest statistical notice and datasets, May 2020 figures.

  57. Updated with April 2020 statistical release.

  58. Reverted to March 2020 release.

  59. Updated with statistical release and dataset to April 2020.

  60. Added latest statistical notice and datasets, March 2020 figures.

  61. Updated with statistical release for February 2020.

  62. Added latest statistical notice, graphics and dataset.

  63. Added latest statistical notice and datasets.

  64. Added latest statistical notice and datasets, November 2019 figures.

  65. october 2019 update

  66. Updated with latest September 2019 figures.

  67. Updated with latest data for August 2019.

  68. Updated with July 2019 data.

  69. Updated statistical release now in HTML format.

  70. Added latest data for June 2019.

  71. Updated with latest statistics for May 2019.

  72. Updated with statistical release and dataset for April 2019.

  73. Replaced February 2019 with March 2019 statistics.

  74. Updated with statistical release and dataset for February 2019.

  75. Amended statistical release and dataset due to revised data.

  76. Updated with statistical release and dataset for January 2019.

  77. Updated with statistical release for December 2018.

  78. Updated with statistical release for November 2018.

  79. Updated with statistical release and datasets for October 2018.

  80. Updated with historical notice and dataset to September 2018.

  81. Updated with statistical release and dataset for August 2018.

  82. Updated with statistical release and dataset for July 2018.

  83. Updated with statistical notice and dataset for June 2018.

  84. Updated with statistical notice and dataset for May 2018.

  85. Updated with statistical notice and dataset for April 2018.

  86. Updates with statistical release to March 2018 and related dataset.

  87. Updated statistical notice and dataset, figures to February 2018. Added Methodology, data users and revisions policy.

  88. Updated statistical notice and dataset, figures to January 2018.

  89. Replaced dataset to correct 2017 annual figure.

  90. Updated with statistical notice and dataset to December 2017.

  91. Updated with statistical notice and dataset to November 2017.

  92. Republished with revised statistics for September and October 2017.

  93. Updated with statistical notice and dataset to October 2017.

  94. Revised statistical notice and charts for September 2017.

  95. Updated with statistical notice for September in html format and updated dataset.

  96. Updated statistics notice and dataset to include August 2017 data.

  97. Updated with statistical release and dataset for July 2017.

  98. Replaced statistics notice and dataset to include figures to June 2017.

  99. Updated with statistical release and dataset for May 2017.

  100. Updated with statistical release and dataset for April 2017.

  101. Updated with March 2017 statistical notice and dataset.

  102. Updated with correction to historic milk volumes in Table 1.

  103. Updated with February statistical notice and dataset.

  104. Updated with January statistical notice and dataset.

  105. Updated with December statistical notice and dataset.

  106. Updated with November statistical notice and dataset.

  107. Updated monthly statistic notice to include October 2016 data.

  108. Updated milk price statistic notice to include September 2016 figures.

  109. Updated with August statistical notice and dataset.

  110. Updated to include July 2016 figures, statistic notice and dataset.

  111. Updated with June statistical notice and dataset.

  112. Updated with May statistical notice and dataset.

  113. Updated with April statistical notice and dataset.

  114. Updated with March statistical release and dataset.

  115. Revised publication following a review of company level production data.

  116. Updated with February 2016 figures.

  117. Updated to include January 2016 statistic notice.

  118. Figures to December 2015 added, new contact name.

  119. UK milk prices and composition of milk: November 2015 published.

  120. Figures to October 2015 added.

  121. Statistics release and dataset published on 29 October republished to correct a minor error with one figure.

  122. Figures to September 2015 added.

  123. Figures to August 2015 added.

  124. Figures to July 2015 added.

  125. Figures to June 2015 published.

  126. United Kingdom milk prices and composition of milk statistics notice (data to May 2015) published.

  127. UK milk prices and composition of milk: April 2015 published

  128. UK milk prices and composition of milk: March 2015 published.

  129. Statistical notice and associated dataset for February 2015.

  130. Statistical notice and associated dataset updated for February.

  131. UK milk prices and composition of milk figures for December 2014.

  132. Updated statistic release and dataset

  133. Latest figures for October 2014.

  134. Updated to include September 2014 figures.

  135. Updated with August 2014 statistics

  136. Updated milk prices and composition.

  137. Updated to include June 2014 figures.

  138. Updated with figures to May 2014.

  139. Updated with figures to April 2014.

  140. Updated with prices to March 2014.

  141. Updated with figures to February 2014.

  142. Updated to include Janaury 2014 figures.

  143. Updated with prices to December 2013.

  144. Updated with figures to November 2013.

  145. Updated with prices to October 2013.

  146. Updated monthly prices and composition

  147. Updated with figures to August 2013.

  148. Updated to include July 2013 figures.

  149. Updated with information for June 2013.

  150. Updated to include May 2013 figures.

  151. First published.

  152. Updated to include figures to April 2013.

  153. Updated with prices for March 2013.

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