Official Statistics
Education exports 2017: pre-release access list
Published 5 December 2019
Applies to England
Beside DfE Professional and production staff the following post holders are given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release:
- Secretary of State for Education
- Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation
- Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the School System
- The Minister for Investment
- Permanent Secretary for Education
- Private Secretary (Permanent Secretary’s Private Office)
- Private Secretary (Secretary of State’s Private Office)
- Director General, Department of International Trade
- Senior Media Officer, Higher Education
- Media Officer, Department for International Trade
- Deputy Director, HE EU/International Policy and Prevent Unit
- Head of EU and International HE Policy
- Senior Policy Adviser, International Higher Education Policy
- Head of International Education Division
- Senior Policy Adviser, Education Team, Department for International Trade
- Acting Director, Creative, Lifestyle and Learning, Department for International Trade
- Deputy Director, Higher Education Analysis
- Economic Adviser, Higher Education Analysis
- Assistant Economist, Higher Education Analysis
- Statistician, Department for International Trade