UK sea fisheries annual statistics report 2023
The 2023 report on the UK commercial fishing industry including statistical tables and underlying data sets.
This is an official statistics release.
The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive picture of UK Sea Fisheries in 2023, recent trends and long-term historical context, back to 1938 in some instances.
This release was previously published as accredited official statistics (formerly known as National Statistics). However, the MMO has written to the Office for Statistics Regulation to request a temporary suspension to the accredited official statistics designation for these statistics. This was agreed by the Director General for Regulation on 3 December 2024. For further details on the reason for the suspension and its impact please see the following statistical notice.
The publication is a summary of:
- The UK fishing fleet (Section 1)
- Its activity at sea
- Landings – how much fish are caught and landed (Section 2)
- Effort – how long is spent at sea (Section 3)
- Trade (Section 4)
You can find the 2023 Sea Fisheries Statistics StoryMap here.
View the accompanying tables for each section and underlying datasets above
For details on the methodology and revisions policy please refer to the annexes within the PDF document above.