Vocational and other qualifications: July to September 2014
This bulletin covers all vocational qualifications (excluding GCSEs, A levels and the Diploma) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Applies to England and Northern Ireland
Key findings
- The number of available qualifications increased to 20,992 (from 19,731 in April – June 2014), the highest number recorded in the last five years
- Available qualifications on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) continue to increase (from 17,505 to 18,745), representing 89% of all available qualifications but only 62% of certificates issued (compared to 72% last quarter)
- Just under 4 million certificates were issued, a decrease of 7% on the same quarter of 2013, due in part to a decrease in the number of certificates issued for IT and key skills qualifications
- The number of certificates awarded for Level 1 / Level 2 qualifications increased by 130% (from 138,750 to 318,650) and the three qualifications with the most certificates this quarter are Level 1 / Level 2 qualifications
- The number of certificates awarded for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) qualifications this quarter increased by 32% to 143,450
- The number of certificates awarded for free-standing mathematics qualifications increased by 57% (from 22,150 to 34,800)
- The number of certificates awarded for qualifications at Level 5 increased by 26% to 18,750, with large increases in BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diplomas
Vocational qualifications datasets
We have updated the vocational qualifications datasets.
Ofqual is conducting a rolling series of online surveys to help statistical releases meet your needs.
Ofqual would especially like to invite you to take part in the online survey for this release.
It will take about ten minutes to complete. Your responses will remain entirely confidential in any reports published about the survey.