Walking and cycling statistics, England: 2021
Walking and cycling statistics in England for 2021, including the proportion of adults walking or cycling at a local authority level.
Applies to England
Statistics on walking and cycling in England for 2021. This statistical release is based on 2 main sources:
- National Travel Survey
- Active Lives Survey
Results from the National Travel Survey show that in 2021:
- people made an average of 235 walking trips and walked an average of 210 miles
- walking trips and stages were similar to 2020, but remain below pre-pandemic levels
- people did not walk as far compared to the previous year but compared to all years prior to 2020, people made more walking trips of over a mile
- people made an average of 15 cycling trips and cycled an average of 55 miles, falling back to pre-pandemic trends
- whilst people have cycled less on average than during the pandemic, leisure remains the main trip purpose continuing the trend seen during the pandemic
- people cycled distances 37% shorter than the record-breaking levels seen in the previous year but cycled 2% farther compared to 2019
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Walking and cycling statistics
Email activetravel.stats@dft.gov.uk
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