Accredited official statistics

Pocket databank: list of sources

Updated 27 June 2018

This accredited official statistics was withdrawn on

Please note that the ‘pocket databank’ is no longer produced. Below is a list of sources previously used in the publication, and links to relevant data, in case you wish to maintain access to it.

1. UK data

Data Series Source
Inflation and price indices CPI Inflation ONS  
  RPI inflation ONS  
  CPIH inflation ONS  
  Producer input price inflation
(Index – see ONS publication tables for percentage changes)
  Producer output price inflation
(Index – see ONS publication tables for percentage changes)
  GDP deflator
Output Manufacturing
(Index – see ONS publication tables for percentage changes)
  Construction ONS  
  Services ONS  
GDP Household consumption
(See ONS publication tables for percentage changes)
  NPISH consumption ONS  
  Government spending ONS  
  Gross Fixed Capital Formation ONS  
  Changes in inventories ONS  
  Exports ONS  
  Imports ONS  
  Real GDP ONS  
Investment Whole economy
  Quarter-on-quarter growth
  Quarter-on-same quarter of previous year growth
  Quarter-on-quarter growth
  Quarter-on-same quarter of previous year growth
  Public sector:
  Quarter-on-quarter growth
  Quarter-on-same quarter of previous year growth
  Private sector:
  Quarter-on-quarter growth
  Quarter-on-same quarter of previous year growth
  Quarter-on-quarter growth
  Quarter-on-same quarter of previous year growth
Productivity Whole economy
  % change on a year earlier
  % change on a year earlier
  % change on a year earlier
Consumer Indicators Retail sales
  % change on a year earlier
  Real household disposable income per head ONS  
  Household saving ratio ONS  
  Consumer confidence GfK  
  New car registrations SMMT  
  Consumer credit growth
(code B4TC)
Bank of England  
Housing indicators Mortgage approvals
(code VTVX)
Bank of England  
  Private sector housing starts
(Table 208 for yearly figures, table 222 for quarterly seasonally adjusted figures for England)
  Official house price index
(View ‘data downloads’ for the latest month to view historical series)
ONS/HM Land Registry  
  Nationwide house prices Nationwide  
  Halifax house prices Halifax  
  Property transactions HMRC  
Business surveys CBI Industrial Trends Survey CBI  
  BCC Quarterly Economic Survey BCC  
Unemployment Unemployment rate ONS  
  Unemployment level ONS  
  Claimant count rate ONS  
  Claimant count level ONS  
  Youth unemployment (aged 18-24, unemployed for 6+ months)
Over 6 and up to 12 months + Over 12 Months
  Long term unemployment (aged 25+, unemployed for 12+ months)
25-49 yrs + 50+ yrs
  Long term unemployment (aged 25+, unemployed for 24+ months)
25-49 yrs + 50+ yrs
Employment Employment rate ONS  
  Employment level ONS  
Earnings Total pay growth ONS  
  Private sector pay growth ONS  
  Public sector pay growth ONS  
  Regular pay growth (excludes bonuses) ONS  
  Real total pay growth ONS  
Balance of payments Trade in goods balance ONS  
  Trade in services balance ONS  
  Total trade balance ONS  
  Primary income balance ONS  
  Secondary income balance ONS  
  Current account balance ONS  
  Capital account balance ONS  
UK trade in goods (volumes) Total exports
(Index – see ONS publication tables for percentage changes)
  Total imports ONS  
  Exports to EU countries ONS  
  Imports from EU countries ONS  
  Exports to non-EU countries ONS  
  Imports from non-EU countries ONS  
Public sector finances Public sector net borrowing ONS  
  Public sector current budget deficit ONS  
  Public sector net debt ONS  
  Public sector net cash requirement ONS  
  Public sector total managed expenditure ONS  
  Public sector total current receipts ONS  
  Maastricht Treaty net borrowing ONS  
  Maastricht Treaty debt ONS  
Base interest rates UK Bank of England  
  US Federal Reserve  
  Eurozone ECB  
Exchange rates Sterling Exchange Rate Index
(code XUDLBK67)
Bank of England  
(code XUDLUSS)
Bank of England  
(code XUDLERS)
Bank of England  
UK interest rates Long term interest rate (10-year government bond yields)
(code IUAAMNPY for annual series, IUMAMNPY for monthly series)
Bank of England  
  Mortgage rate
(code IUMTLMV)
Bank of England  
  Sterling LIBOR
(select GBP and the date you require from the drop-down menu)
UK monetary indicators & equities M4
(code VQJW)
Bank of England  
  M4 lending
(code LPMVWVP)
Bank of England  
  FTSE 100
(The spreadsheet ‘Historic Closing Values’ contains historical data, the chart on the right contains the most up to date values)
London Stock Exchange  

2. International data

Source Data
IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO) International economic statistics
  Growth of Real GDP
→ Select latest WEO database e.g. “World Economic Outlook Database April 2019”
→ Select either country level or country group data
→ Pick country or country group
→ Select “Gross domestic product, constant prices, percent change”
OECD statistics International economic statistics
  Exchange rates
  World inflation rates
From drop down menu select:
→ Prices and Purchasing Power Parities
→ Consumer and Producer Price Indices
→ Consumer Prices
→ Consumer Price Indices
From drop down menu select:
→ Productivity
→ Productivity and ULC – Annual, Total Economy
→ Level of GDP per capita and productivity
→ Level of GDP per capita and productivity
  Industrial production
From drop down menu select:
→ Industry and Services Statistics (MEI)
→ Production and Sales (MEI)
→ Production and Sales (MEI)
  Unit labour costs
  Unemployment rates
  Current account balances
  Short-term interest rates
  Long-term interest rates
World Bank International economic statistics
  Real interest rates
FRED International and US economic statistics
UN Comtrade database International trade statistics
World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS) International trade statistics
Eurostat European statistics
  National accounts
  European sector accounts
  Government finance statistics
  Exchange rates
  Interest rates
  Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP)
  Balance of payments
  Employment and unemployment
  Labour costs
Bureau of Economic Analysis US economic statistics
  National accounts
  GDP and personal income
  Fixed assets
  International economic accounts
  International transactions, services and international investment position
  Direct investment and multinational enterprises (MNEs)
  Regional economic accounts
  GDP and personal income
  Industry economic accounts
Bureau of Labor Statistics US labour market statistics
  Inflation and prices
  Pay and benefits
Statistics Bureau Japan Japans economic statistics
  Labour market and wage statistics: 1, 2, 3
  Population and household statistics: 1, 2, 3
  National accounts
  Prices: 1, 2, 3
Cabinet Office Japan Japan economic statistics
  National accounts
  Quarterly Estimates of GDP
  Annual report on national accounts
  Quarterly estimates of net capital stocks of fixed assets
  Business statistics
  Indexes of business conditions
  Machinery orders
  Consumer confidence survey
  Business outlook survey
  Monthly economic report
Statistics Canada Canada economic statistics
  National accounts
London Stock Exchange UK Stocks data
  FTSE All-share data
Bloomberg Financial data
  Dow Jones Industrial Average
  NASDAQ composite index
  Nikkei 225
  DAX 30
Financial Times Financial data
  FTSEurofirst 300 index
  MSCI Emerging Market Index