Noticia del mundo

Call for Security and Justice Concept Bids

Prosperity Fund Second Bidding Round FY 2015/2016

Esto fue publicado bajo el 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Foreign and Commonwelth Office

The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Prosperity Fund promotes the creation of conditions for global growth by supporting Mexico’s transition to a sustainable, rules-based developed economy through effective policy and increased UK-Mexico commercial collaboration, in particular through the following:

Conditions for Growth


Work that helps consolidate an open, fair and competitive Mexican economic, financial and business environment which is attractive to UK companies – including through appropriate support to Mexico’s reform agenda. By ensuring strong partnership between Mexico and the UK in support of a rules-based, free-trading international economic system driving global prosperity.


Work that promotes the UK as a creative and trustworthy partner; a world-class destination for business, tourism and study. By using the GREAT campaign and its private sector partnerships to build international awareness of UK strengths and values, and increasing the impact of British companies abroad.


Work that supports the transition to a low carbon economy and resilient energy markets and which promotes science and innovation as solutions to global challenges by enhancing energy security; consolidating a strengthened bilateral dialogue on energy issues and promoting UK commercial and policy interests following energy reforms Support for the development of a sustainable low carbon economy enabling Mexico to meet its emissions targets and to contribute substantively to international consensus on a legally binding climate change deal.


Work that helps British companies win new business and that promotes education and innovation as drivers of growth by promoting an education partnership that brings prosperity benefits to both countries and strengthens our long term engagement by developing a stronger Mexico-UK innovation, research and evidence partnership that has commercial, academic and societal impact.


  • The Prosperity Fund is seeking concept bids for initiatives which will strengthen Mexico as an inclusive and accountable democratic state to advance its development in the understanding that democracy, human rights and rule of law serve as a foundation for all aspects of sustainable development. The concept bids should introduce best practice to Mexico to ensure that relevant security and justice conditions are in place to allow prosperity and economic growth. This is a second bidding round for projects for the period 2015/2016.

  • There is recognition at the highest political level that the Mexican government must focus on improving law and order if its economic reform programme is going to work, this has been acknowledged by the President and his Finance Minister has said that rule of law in Mexico would be worth 10 energy reforms. There is widespread impunity in Mexico and ongoing challenges in the implementation of the 2008 Justice Reforms. While the government has introduced measures to tackle corruption and organised crime, there is more work to do and concerns remain about violence related to organised crime and the response to that crime. The Prosperity Fund works with the idea that in order to implement key reforms as the Energy, Transparency/Anti-Corruption, Education and Economic Reform, as well as to foster UK-Mexico cooperation and trade, it is needed to develop a safe and just environment in-country.

  • During the President’s State Visit to London in March 2015, the UK and Mexico concluded an MOU on security and justice cooperation. We are seeking initiatives which will support the implementation of that MOU, including capacity building, advisory, and support and cooperation activities.

Increase effectiveness of security and justice system Capacity building and best practice sharing with police, forensic service, prosecutorial service, judiciary, court system, criminal defence lawyers, detention and correction services in order to ensure equal application of the law and the protection of basic human rights. Development of improved institutional responses to specific security challenges e.g. organised crime, missing persons. Develop human capital by promoting educational opportunities for key personnel in the security forces.
Strengthen accountability, transparency and civilian oversight of security and justice system Strengthening internal and external monitoring mechanisms that will help obtain a stronger inclusive democracy improving the relationship between civilians and those elected. Best practice sharing to address governance and security arrangements which are open to criminal exploitation. Best practice sharing on legislative and institutional reform on security and justice issues at a Federal level with PGR, SEGOB, SEDENA, SEMAR, Poder Judicial, etc.
Build security and access to justice at a local level Support for successful state-level implementation of 2008 Federal Justice Reforms. Support for community and NGO initiatives to tackle insecurity and justice problems at all three levels (municipalities, state and federal) creating rights awareness and increasing the capacity of marginalized populations to defend their rights. Development of policies to address barriers to security and justice for women, indigenous people and other marginalised groups.


  • Project proposals must contribute directly to priorities established above, supporting the Conditions for Global Growth outlined at the beginning of this document.
  • We highly encourage potential bidders to contact the Programme Team to discuss strategic relevance of the project purpose, before submitting concept bids. To request a meeting please write to
  • The primary beneficiary of the project proposal submitted to the Prosperity Fund must be Mexico (included in the OECD DAC list), in line with DAC criteria. Project proposals must be submitted in the Concept Bid Form (document is available for downloading). Concept Bids must be accompanied by detailed budget proposals submitted in the Activity Based Budget (ABB) document is available for downloading.
  • We are looking for practical interventions that will lead to a real and timely difference in decision-making. Proposals focusing purely on research, analysis, seminars or workshops will not be relevant unless they lead to specific and measurable action. Infrastructure projects are not funded by the Prosperity Fund.
  • Proposals should outline impact. We want to know what changes the project will achieve in the long term. Proposals should clearly outline proposed activities to understand how, practically, the impact will be achieved.
  • For the second stage of this round Proposals (Full Bids) should demonstrate that the relevant government authorities have been consulted and are supportive or, if they have not, the project proposal should explain how the project has sufficient buy-in from the necessary stakeholders to deliver expected outcomes.
  • Project proposals should demonstrate that they will trigger action and gain leverage out of proportion to the funding spent on the project. Experience has shown that an effective way to do this is to work towards high level policy change, on local policy development, supporting implementation of regulatory frameworks, building capacity in a sustainable way, translating evidence or analysis into action plans, and working in partnership with host governments.
  • The Prosperity Fund operates in financial years. Proposed project’s duration should take place from July to Early March 2016.

For further information on Eligibility and Bidding Process, please download the Prosperity Fund Guidance for Mexico Prosperity Guidance for Mexico (MS Word Document, 82 KB)

Bidding Process:

  • This will be a swift bidding process therefore we encourage only candidates capable of meeting deadlines contained in Second Bidding Round Timeline below participate.
  • The bidding process is executed in two stages: Concept Bid (high level project proposal) and Full Bid (detailed proposal)
  • Only bids approved at the Concept Bid stage will be considered for Full Bid development.
  • Deadline to submit Concept Bids to the Programme Team is 23:59 CDT (Mexico Central Time) May 24th, 2015. Concept Bids shall be sent to
Second Bidding Round FY 2015-2016
11 May Announce request for submission of Concept Bids
24 May Deadline for Implementers to submit Concept Bids to Programme Team
25 – 29 May Programme Team at Post reviews Concept Bids
01 June Internal Programme Board Meeting
02 June Programme Team notification to Implementers announcing results of Concept Bids
21 June Deadline for Implementers to submit Full Bids to Programme Team
22 – 25 June Programme Team at Post reviews Full Bids
26 June Programme Team finalizes full bids review and sends to Mexico Programme Board for Appraisal Preparation
30 June Mexico Programme Board at Post meets
1 July Programme Team notification to Implementers announcing results of first bidding round
Early July Contracts and financial arrangements completed
Mid July Planned Start of Projects

Approved concept bids and successful bidders will be asked to submit their Full Bids via email. These will then be subject to a final evaluation of the Prosperity Fund Programme Board. The results will be announced and successful bidders will be requested to begin project implementation by July 2015.


Any inquiries related to funding opportunities, Project Concept Form and Activity Based Budget should be submitted to: Please download Frequently Asked Questions.


Prosperity Facts (PDF, 132 KB, 4 pages)

Example of activity based budget (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 23.4 KB)

Project Concept Form (MS Word Document, 57 KB)

Prosperity Guidance for Mexico (MS Word Document, 82 KB)

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Publicado 11 May 2015