Conflict Stability and Security Fund for 2015-2016 in Moldova
Call for project proposals for 2015-2016 in support of stability and conflict transformation in the Republic of Moldova

British Embassy Chisinau
Deadline for applications: 5pm, 4 June 2015
The UK Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) seeks applications from organisations with experience of working on conflict transformation and confidence building in conflict-affected communities to undertake work that will contribute to strengthening citizens’ and political engagement in the conflict transformation in the Republic of Moldova.
The overall goal of the Moldova CSSF Programme is to strengthen the capacity of citizens and government to address conflict generating issues in order to create an environment of joint cooperation between official (Track I) and unofficial (Track II) actors, including from ATU Gagauzia and Transnistria. Such joint cooperation shall aim to break the status quo in the Transnistrian issue and to prevent crisis throughout the country. It therefore seeks to be grounded on the principles and instruments of conflict transformation and conflict prevention. This Call for Proposals seeks projects that will contribute to strengthening the capacity of the central and regional authorities (Track I) as well as civil society (Track II) to ensure behavioural change aimed at preventing and transforming crisis and conflict.
This call seeks for projects that will be launched no earlier than 15 June 2015 to be completed by mid March 2016. However, in addition to demonstrating impact within this timeframe, projects should also lay the foundation for further development in the medium term, either through UK or other donor funding.
The objective of the ‘Stability and Conflict Transformation’ component of the CSSF Programme is to build confidence and generate regular dialogue between the authorities (central and regional), civil society and grassroots organisations in order to promote effective cooperation towards the establishment of political and economic stability in regions and among ethnic minorities.
It will seek to develop the capacity of the civil society and media throughout the country to communicate effectively about the decentralisation reform and the Transnistrian settlement process in order to develop an objective approach to the issue on both banks of the river Nistru, and boost societal transformation.
It will also seek to develop Government capacity to apply best practice in the implementation of relevant devolution models, social inclusion, justice reform and the fight against corruption in order to improve security and prosperity for Moldova’s citizens and to prevent destabilisation in the regions throughout the country.
Proposals are invited for projects to strengthen the capacity of the Government and citizens to achieve one or more of the following results:
• Improve relations between communities affected by conflict, or in potential conflict, with each other.
• Enhance confidence and behavioural change between political, social and media actors and stakeholders across conflict divides.
• Increase awareness of decision-makers of good practice in successful decentralisation (devolution) processes elsewhere
• Enhance capacity for effective dialogue between central and regional authorities:
a) to prevent destabilisation and conflict escalation b) to develop inclusive policies
• Promote the economic and societal advantages of EU integration processes in the Republic of Moldova in order to counter disinformation particularly among conflict affected communities
• Foster partnerships between Government and citizens in addressing conflict-generating issues
• Improve the Government’s capacity in tackling corruption by promoting international good practice
• Increase awareness and analytical capacity of civil society and authorities in support of economic reform and development
• Provide technical expertise to Government to support anti-corruption measures and in reform of the justice and security sector
Submission of Proposals
All project proposals must meet the criteria set out above and provide activity-based budgets for a total of up to £10,000, £25,000, £50,000 or £80,000.
Proposals by international (non-Moldovan) organisations must include a partnership with an appropriate Moldovan partner. Cross-river and intra-regional partnerships will be considered an advantage.
All projects should be submitted using CSSF Project Proposal Form (MS Word Document, 139KB) in accordance with the template at Annex B – CSSF Project Activity Based Budget Template (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 20.9KB) by 5pm, 4 June 2015.
Submissions in other formats will not be considered.
Submit your proposal and budget by email to Please make reference to “CSSF Moldova” and indicate the name of your organisation in the subject line eg “CSSF Moldova – name of your organisation”.
Evaluation of Applications
Eligibility. A project proposal will be automatically rejected if:
- It is received after the deadline;
- The budget is not within the limits stated above
- It is not submitted in English language using the correct template.
- The organisation submitting the project is not eligible to work in Moldova
- In the case of an international (non-Moldovan) organisation, if there is no Moldovan partner
Evaluation Criteria
Eligible applications will be evaluated according to the criteria indicated in the Evaluation Criteria Form (PDF, 193KB, 2 pages)
Notes: (1) British Embassy Chisinau reserves the right to carry out due diligence of potential implementers, including seeking references, as part of the selection process. (2) All potential implementers should familiarise themselves with the ‘Implementing Partner- Key Conditions’ (PDF, 205KB, 2 pages) at Annex A. These set out the basic terms of engagement for implementing partners. Potential implementers should ensure that they are able to meet these terms before submitting their proposal
Further Information
For additional information please contact . Please indicate “CSSF Moldova – Request for Information” in the address line.