World news story

Possible disruption to UK Visa service in the Philippines

UK Visas and Immigration is currently experiencing an unscheduled IT outage which may have a temporary impact on our service in the Philippines.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

This news article was withdrawn on

UK Visas and Immigration’s IT capability has been restored and both priority visa and standard applications are being processed within target times.

British Embassy Manila

If you submitted your application in the past week or intend to submit your application this week, and you have opted for our priority visa service, you may experience delays. We aim to continue to meet our priority visa service targets but some applications may be affected.

End to end processing times over the next few weeks may also be slightly longer than our current performance, but we are focused on remaining within our service standards. If you require a UK visa and have imminent travel plans you should make your application as soon as possible. Customers should monitor these web pages for any updates on our service. We apologise for the inconvenience.

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Published 18 March 2014