Public security: British companies display innovative technology at the British Embassy Paris
On 27 June, the UKTI Defence and Security team successfully organised their 5th Public Security Exhibition.

Sir Peter Ricketts, the British Ambassador to France, spent an hour and a half touring the exhibition and the vehicles in the courtyard and meeting UK companies and French guests.
41 British companies exhibited a wide range of security equipment in the ambassador’s residence. The equipment on display included specialist vehicles, NRBC detection material, surveillance equipment, forensics, combat and protective clothing and masks, video and data analysis. A nano drone was also displayed for French guests to see.
In total approximately 250 French police, gendarmerie, special forces, covert surveillance units, tactical customs, border control, homeland security/counter terror agencies and Paris fire brigade visited the show.
Sir Peter Ricketts, the British Ambassador to France, spent an hour and a half touring the exhibition and the vehicles in the courtyard and meeting UK companies and French guests.
The exhibiting companies were: ANT Scientific, Armadillo Merino, Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd, Avon Protection Systems, Basis Technology Ltd, Beaverfit Ltd, Claresys Ltd, Cobham TCS Ltd, Cooneen Watts & Stone, CP Cases Ltd, Datong Plc, Digital Barriers, DSA Detection LLC, Enterprise Control Systems, Evidence Talks Ltd, Foster & Freeman Ltd, Foxton Primetake Ltd, Hidden Technology Systems International Ltd, Integrated Microwave Technologies, Juma Communications Ltd, M & G Technology (Europe) Ltd, Mobile Content Management Solutions Ltd, Non Lethal Solutions, Olympus Industrial, Original Perspectives Ltd, Ovation Systems Limited, PDA Electronics Ltd, Providence SA Ltd, QinetiQ Group PLC, RevealMedia Ltd, Saab Technologies UK Ltd, Scott Safety , Selectamark, Security Systems plc, SeSys Ltd, Smiths Detection, SmartWater Technology Ltd, Sonic Communications (Int) Ltd, TCH (UK) Ltd, Technocover Ltd, Totalpost Services Plc, Vemotion Interactive Ltd.