The Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative for new suppliers to locate in the UK
AMSCI Rounds Three and Four now open for applications.

The Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative
The Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative is a funding competition designed to improve the global competitiveness of UK advanced manufacturing supply chains. Additional funding of £120 million for a further 2 rounds of the Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI) was announced in the 2012 Autumn Statement. This will support Research and Development, skills training and capital investment to help UK supply chains achieve world-class standards and encourage major new suppliers to locate in the UK.
The Competition Brief for these new rounds (AMSCI Rounds 3 and 4) was published on 28 February on the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) website
The full Guidance for Applicants is now available online. The deadlines for applications are noon on 29 May for Round 3, and noon on 16 October for Round 4.
Further information
Full details of this event, and how to secure a place can be found at here