World news story

Training for public administration in Macedonia

British Embassy supports training on strategic leadership and policy skills within public administration reform in Macedonia.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Training for public administration

Ambassador Garret speaking at the official opening of the training for public administration.

Within the project to support public administration reform in Macedonia today our ambassador Charles Garrett and the Minister for Information Society and Administration Ivo Ivanovski opened the workshop on Strategic Leadership and Policy Skills. This is a first of a series of training of trainers workshop that will contribute to creating a pool of trainers within the administration and enhance the learning process. Public administration reform is a key target for Macedonia within its EU accession agenda.

Speaking at the official opening of the workshop ambassador Garrett said:

I am always happy to be part of good things such as this training today. You as civil servants carry the responsibility of the implementation of the reforms as well as being a test-case for them. I would like to praise your efforts in that. Reforms are rarely easy and are rarely completed quickly. It will be a real challenge to take what you have learnt back to your work-places and use it at work. For the UK it is important to be able to help Macedonia in structural areas such as this. Reform of the public administration is one of the key reform areas on the EU agenda.

Drawing on best UK practices, British Embassy Skopje has provided support in the introduction of competence-based systemsfor management of human resources in the public administration. The project delivered the methodology for competence-based systems, templates, support to the preparation of the Law on Administration, support in the preparation of by-laws, as well as development of learning and development standards and the first-e-learning modules in to be used in the administration.

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Published 1 July 2014