TTIP Student Paper Competition
The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) together with the British Embassy in Warsaw and the Embassy of Sweden in Warsaw are delighted to announce the launch of a student paper competition on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
TTIP competition
The competition is open to all students interested in TTIP who wish to better understand the forces and processes that will shape the transatlantic economy in the future.
Prizes for the author of the winning submission include the following:
- an all-expenses paid study trip to London to meet with government experts involved in TTIP and other aspects of foreign policy
- publication of the essay in PISM’s peer-reviewed journal, the Polish Quarterly of International Affairs
- a three-month internship at the Polish Institute of International Affairs
- an invitation to an award reception hosted at the Embassy of Sweden, Warsaw
- submissions on all aspects of TTIP are welcome – including political, economic, social, geostrategic and legal benefits
- submissions must be in English
- papers must be original and not have been published elsewhere.
- submissions must be no longer than 1,500 words (including references and footnotes). Please use 12 pt. font and 1.5 line spacing and adhere to the PQIA style guide (available online)
- applicants must be students registered at a university or higher education school in Poland – please attach a CV and scan of your student ID with your application
- the competition is open to students of all nationalities
To take part in the TTIP Student Paper Competition, send your submission along with your CV and a scan of your student ID in PDF format to by 15 November 2014