World news story

United Kingdom and Guatemala launch the Global Nutrition Report 2014

Today the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement, through the British Embassy in Guatemala, presented the Global Nutrition Report 2014 to the Vice President Roxana Baldetti and the Secretariat for Food and Nutrition Security (SESAN).

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Event in Guatemala City

Launch of GNR 2014 in Guatemala

This paper is the first in an annual series. It is a concrete result of the commitment by the signatories of the Nutrition Summit for Growth 2013, held in London, UK. It was prepared by an Independent Expert Group, which includes Mr. Rafael Flores-Ayala, team leader for the international micronutrient, malnutrition prevention and control programme at the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and one of the speakers at the launching ceremony.

The report highlights the progress made worldwide by the 193 member countries of the United Nations in their efforts to improve their nutritional status, identify the obstacles for change, highlight the opportunities for action and help to strengthen accountability in the field of nutrition.

The report highlights Guatemala as a successful example in monitoring public expenditure spent on food and nutrition security. For example, Guatemala has solved these challenges by agreeing precise definitions in nutritional matters, coordinating data collection and communication, and encouraging the actors of the system to continue the task.

Sarah Dickson, British Ambassador to Guatemala, said that the Department for International Development (DFID) has worked through various multilateral agencies of the United Nations to strengthen the fight against malnutrition in Guatemala. The Ambassador said that combating malnutrition is a priority in which sustainable policies should be promoted to ensure fair distribution of aid, and ensure nutritious diets for people, while the environment for future generations is protected.

The presentation was held at the National Palace of Culture, within the framework of the workshop “Cost and Financial Monitoring for Improved Nutrition,” which takes place in the country from 28 to 30 April.

The workshop will feature the participation of 15 international representatives from Peru, El Salvador and Costa Rica. Guatemala will be represented by officials from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health and Welfare, World Food Programme, World Vision, Nutrisalud, European Union, Alliance for Nutrition and SESAN.

The activity is conducted by the SUN Movement, under the coordination of the SESAN, and with support from the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF) and the British Government. According to Stefano Fedele, regional director for nutrition at UNICEF, one of the main objectives is to accelerate efforts to estimate the costs and identify opportunities for internal and external financing in nutrition for SUN countries in Latin America.

Fedele said that countries must validate the figures and trends that will be used in the Global Nutrition Report 2015 and Annual Progress Report SUN 2015.

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Published 28 April 2015