Visa Application Centre Moving to Solna
From 26 March 2014 our new commercial partner Teleperformance Ltd will take over the running of our Visa Application Centre in Sweden

The Visa Application Centre will move to:
Regus Stockholm Solna Business Park
Svetsarvägen 15 2tr,
SE - 171 41 Solna
In addition we are making the following changes to the visa service that we offer:
- Opening hours will be Monday – Wednesday from 09.00 – 13.00
- User Pays charges. There will be a charge of £59 to use the Visa Application Centre in Sweden. This will be in addition to the visa fee and will be charged in Euros using the consular rate of exchange at the point of booking the appointment. It covers the cost of providing the application submission facilities.
The following additional services will be available from Sweden. All other services currently offered will cease. All charges will be payable in Euros using our consular rate of exchange. Further details on all of the services, including eligibility criteria, will be available on the website when you book your appointment:
- Priority Visa Service – £100 – allows you to have your visa application placed at the front of the queue by UK Visas & Immigration normally enabling a decision within 3-5 working days
- Return courier – allows you to receive your decision by courier to your chosen address rather than returning to the Visa Application Centre to collect it. Included in the user pay fee
- Passport pass back – £40 – allowing you to take your passport away with you and submit to us at a later date
Applicants have the alternative option of applying instead at the Visa Application Centre in Dusseldorf, open Monday to Friday and where no User Pay fee is charged
Further details on all of the services, including eligibility criteria, will be available on the website when you book your appointment. We will work closely with our Commercial Partners to ensure continuity of service during the transition period. There may however be a short transition period when no appointments are available. If you need to make an urgent application and there are no appointments available please contact one of the following numbers or use the link below to email your enquiry. These services are available in English, German and French:
- +44-1618840644. You will be charged the equivalent of $3 per minute in your local currency to make this call. Call charges on this number are billed to your credit card; charges are assessed in increments of 6 seconds, only when you are connected to an agent. You can only pay for the service (using a secure, automated system) with a credit or debit card with the Visa or MasterCard logo; or
- Alternatively, if you are calling from within Sweden, you can get information on the visa application process by calling WorldBridge’s user pay phone service on 0900-8880171. Trained agents will provide you with visa application information. There is a fee of 20 SEK per minute to make this call; or
- click to make an email enquiry