Young Canadian innovators to discuss dementia action
The UK Science and Innovation Network will host a satellite summit, to engage local youth in the work of the World Dementia Council.

On 10 September 2014 at the British High Commission in Ottawa, SIN Canada will give young local innovators the opportunity to develop innovative ideas to support the ongoing work of the World Dementia Council, and to create a sustainable global network which will continue to address the challenges presented by dementia. This event is the first out of four taking place in parallel with the Global Action Against Dementia Legacy Events in Canada, Japan and the USA, and a separate event in Paris. These events will raise awareness of the UK G8 Dementia Summit and its legacy, and create a network of young innovators who can make an important contribution to the work of the UK-initiated World Dementia Council.
Canadian participants will be drawn from different sectors (including start-ups, social innovation, engineering, economics, research, public health, communication, law and application designers). These groups will be set a specific question: How can we help people with dementia live independently for longer? They will be asked to come up with creative and innovative ideas covering diverse sectors, ranging from technology to economics to urban design, and addressing the six priorities as defined by the WDC. This young innovators event will also provide the opportunity to create a virtual sustainable network of future young leaders in dementia.
The outputs and recommendations from the four workshops will result in a declaration of principles that could be presented, as a youth perspective, at the WHO event planned for March 2015.
Desired outcomes of this event:
- Have a draft declaration of Innovative Ideas to address dementia;
- Contribute to the GAAD and the WDC strategies;
- Present the declaration at the WHO dementia event in Geneva;
- Publish the declaration on WDC website; and
- Create a virtual global network of future young leaders in dementia.
Further information:
UK Science and Innovation Network, Montréal
Dr. Mario Rivero-Huguet
+1 514-866-5863, ex 2232