British Embassy Brasilia
The British Embassy in Brasilia maintains and develops relations between the UK and Brazil.
Find out more about our work on the UK and Brazil news page.
If you need urgent medical help or are a victim of crime, call:
- 192 for an ambulance
- 190 for the police
Contact your insurance provider if you have one. They will tell you what your policy covers, and what you need to do to make a claim.
Getting help
If you cannot get the support you need from local services, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) can help British people abroad.
We prioritise emergencies and people who are vulnerable, for example, if someone’s:
ill, injured, or involved in a crime
with a British person who’s died
In many situations, you will be able to help yourself without needing to contact the British Embassy. Check our guidance on:
- finding English-speaking lawyers, funeral directors and translators and interpreters in Brazil
- dealing with a death in Brazil
- being arrested in Brazil
- getting help if you’re a victim of crime
- help if you’re a victim of rape or sexual assault in Brazil
- what to do if you’re in hospital
- travel advice for Brazil
If you cannot use your passport
You can apply for an emergency travel document if you need to travel urgently and cannot use your passport because it is lost, stolen or damaged.
If you are travelling in more than 3 weeks, check if you can get a new or replacement passport in time to travel.
If you do not need to travel urgently, you should still report a lost or stolen passport.
Getting a visa to the UK
The British Embassy does not provide visas and cannot advise on UK visas. If you have any questions about the application process or your visa status, contact UK Visas and Immigration.
You can check whether you need a visa and apply for one.
The UK now requires Electronic Travel Authorisations for Brazilians travelling to the UK without a visa. We are aware that third party organisations may claim to offer these services. We encourage all applicants only to use the official website to secure an ETA, to avoid the risk of falling for a scam.
Official documents and services we provide
We provide a limited range of notarial and documentary services when local notary publics, solicitors, or lawyers cannot provide them. You will need to pay a fee for these services.
If local authorities ask for proof of UK law, or that certain services are not available, download the relevant letter from the following. You can also pay to get a signed and stamped version of the letters.
Support for British nationals living in Brazil
You can find a full list of the consular services and assistance available to British nationals abroad.
Read our guidance for living in Brazil for information on travelling to, living, working and studying there.
You can find a full list of UK help and services available in Brazil.
Other UK embassies and consulates in Brazil
You can also find UK consulates in:
Complaints procedure
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) aims to provide a high quality and efficient service to the public in the UK and abroad. See our complaints procedure.
Our people

Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Brasilia
British Consul General, Rio de Janeiro
British Consul General, Sao Paulo
Contact us
British Embassy Brasilia
Quadra 801 - Conjunto K - Lote 08Av. das Nações - Asa Sul
CEP 70408-900 Brasilia
Public access to embassies, high commissions and consulates is by appointment only
To call us in an emergency or send us an online enquiry use our contact form: