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Section 9: Reporting to parents

Contains information about what reports must cover and reporting on pupils who change schools

9 Reporting to parents

Headteachers at maintained schools, including maintained special schools must prepare annual reports for every pupil’s parents. Headteachers must make arrangements for parents to discuss the report with their child’s teacher, if the parents wish to do so.

The term ‘parent’ is used here as defined in section 576 of the Education Act 1996 as:

  • parents of a pupil
  • any person who is not a parent of a pupil but who has parental responsibility for the pupil
  • any person who has care of a pupil

9.1 What reports must cover

The report must start from the day after the last report was given. It must be available to parents before the end of the summer term.

The report must cover the pupil’s:

  • achievements
  • general progress
  • attendance record

Where appropriate it must also include results of any:

  • national curriculum tests
  • public examinations, by subject and grade

Detailed content requirements, including specific information for KS1, are set out in Schedule 1 of the Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005/1437).

Academies’ requirements are set out in their funding agreements.

Religious education

Religious education is a statutory subject for all pupils registered at a maintained school, except for pupils:

  • in nursery classes
  • who have been withdrawn by their parents under section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998

It is a general requirement that schools report pupils’ progress in religious education to parents. There is no required format for reports.

Pupils with special educational needs

Requirements for reporting on pupils with special educational needs are set out in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the Pupil Information Regulations 2005.

Pupils who change schools

If a pupil changes school before the end of the academic year, the headteacher should still write an annual report for the pupil. This should be issued to the pupil’s parents. The parents should have the opportunity to discuss the report with their child’s teacher.

Pupils who are registered at more than 1 school

Pupils may be registered at more than 1 school. This helps to ensure continuity of learning for pupils whose families travel for occupational purposes or who may not have a fixed address.

If a pupil is registered at more than 1 school each headteacher should write an annual report for parents. Each headteacher should also make arrangements for parents to discuss the report with their child’s teacher (if the parent wishes).

Regulation 9 of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 allow the dual registration of ‘families that travel for occupational purposes’. Regulation 9(3) and (4) define which school would be the base school (school of ordinary attendance). Regulation 9 (1) applies to a pupil who:

  • has no fixed abode for the reason that his/her parent is engaged in a trade or business of such a nature as to require him/her to travel from place to place
  • is at the time registered as a pupil at 2 or more schools