
Accredited Trusted Trader Scheme pilot

Information on the pilot scheme for importing medium-risk products to Great Britain.

You can no longer apply to take part in this pilot. Applications closed on 6 October 2023.

The Accredited Trusted Trader Scheme helps businesses that import medium-risk products to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). Read about import risk categories.

The scheme simplifies the import process for medium-risk:

  • products of animal origin (POAO)
  • animal by-products (ABP)

The Accredited Trusted Trader Scheme initially had 3 modules:

  • Module 1: Certification Logistics
  • Module 2: Checks Away from the Border
  • Module 3: Journey Assurance

The pilot for the Certification Logistics module is still live. The pilots for the other modules have been paused to reflect government priorities.

Each module had different eligibility criteria. Participants could apply for one or more. Businesses approved to take part went though an assurance process to be granted authorisation for certain benefits not available to businesses by default.

Module 1: Certification Logistics

The Certification Logistics module simplifies the certification process for packaged products moving from a consolidation hub in the EU to Great Britain.

Participants can use an export health certificate (EHC) from the point of origin of the goods (such as a manufacturing site). They do not need to get the goods re-certified at a consolidation hub in the EU prior to dispatch to Great Britain.

Participants must provide:

  • sanitary assurances by providing a copy of the certificate issued at the point of manufacture of the goods
  • assurances of the integrity of the goods throughout transport, storage and any limited handling permitted after they are certified at the point of origin

This module is only for medium-risk products of animal origin for human consumption and medium-risk animal by-products. They must be packaged and certified in the EU.

Read more about the pilot of the certification logistics module.

Modules 2 and 3: Checks Away from the Border and Journey Assurance

The Checks Away from the Border module allows participants to carry out routine identity and physical checks of imports at their own site in Great Britain rather than at a border control post (BCP).  

The Journey Assurance module uses supply chain data and other technology-enabled data to determine whether journey assurance evidence can be used as part of sanitary and phytosanitary controls to provide benefits for trusted traders.

Further development of both these modules has been paused to reflect government priorities. It became clear in the early stages of co-design with industry partners that these modules were not currently providing enough benefits to traders. Potential future benefits had not been sufficiently proven to warrant continuing.

Updates to this page

Published 11 September 2023
Last updated 17 March 2025 show all updates
  1. We’ve updated the status of each module of the pilot. The Certification Logistics module is still live. The other modules have been paused to reflect government priorities.

  2. Updated to provide a link to further information on the Certification Logistics Module Pilot.

  3. Applications for the pilot closed on 6 October 2023.

  4. Updated the eligibility criteria. The named responsible person with authority to act on behalf of the business will be liable for the business complying with the pilot.

  5. Added clarification that module 2 applies to sites in Great Britain.

  6. First published.

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