Accredited Trusted Trader Scheme pilot
How to apply for the Accredited Trusted Trader Scheme pilot.
You can no longer apply for this pilot. Applications closed on 6 October 2023.
The Accredited Trusted Trader Scheme will help businesses that import medium-risk products, as defined by the Border Target Operating Model, to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). The medium-risk products in this scheme include:
- products of animal origin (POAO)
- animal by-products (ABP)
The Accredited Trusted Trader Scheme is a single modular framework which provides businesses with flexibility and choice in the benefits they gain as a participant.
It contains 3 modules initially and will explore further benefits for businesses in the future. Each module has different eligibility criteria. You can apply for more than one module.
Businesses approved to take part in the pilot (pilot participants) must go through an upfront assurance process to be granted authorisation for certain benefits not available to businesses by default.
Module 1: Certification Logistics
The Certification Logistics module simplifies the certification process for packaged products moving from a consolidation hub in the EU to Great Britain.
Participants in the Certification Logistics Module Pilot can use an export health certificate (EHC) from the point of origin of the goods (such as a manufacturing site) without the need for re-certification at a consolidation hub in the EU prior to dispatch to Great Britain.
Participants have to provide:
- sanitary assurances by providing a copy of the certificate issued at the point of manufacture of the goods
- assurances of the integrity of the goods throughout transport, storage and any limited handling that is permitted since they were certified at the point of origin
This module is initially limited to packaged goods from the EU. Government and pilot participants will identify the intended use of products moved under the scheme (such as for retail or wholesale). These products will be assessed for public health and food safety risks. The types of packaged products that pilot participants can move in this module will be confirmed after the risk assessments.
Read more information about the pilot of the certification logistics module.
Module 2: Checks Away from the Border
The Checks Away from the Border module will allow participants to carry out routine identity and physical checks of imports at their own site in Great Britain rather than at a border control post (BCP). The physical checks will be similar to checks which will apply on a risk basis to sanitary and phytosanitary goods not imported by a trusted trader.
The participants checks will not necessarily replicate BCP checks, but they will be closely regulated by government and provide equivalent standards of biosecurity and public health protection.
The products in this module include:
- all medium-risk POAO and ABP
- goods originating from the rest of the world as well as the EU
This module will be piloted from April 2024.
Module 3: Journey Assurance
The Journey Assurance module will use supply chain data and other technology-enabled data to determine whether journey assurance evidence can be used as part of sanitary and phytosanitary controls to provide benefits for trusted traders.
Defra would like to hear from businesses that record data:
- to provide assurance that goods within a consignment are those listed on accompanying documentation
- that provides evidence of goods remaining stable and secure during a journey, such as temperature tracking
The products in this module include:
- all medium-risk POAO and ABP
- goods originating from the rest of the world as well as the EU
This module will be tested from April 2024.
Eligibility criteria
To apply for any module of the pilot businesses needed to:
- be registered in the UK for customs purposes
- not have an adverse customs or sanitary and phytosanitary compliance history
- have a named responsible person with authority to act on behalf of the business - they will be liable for the business complying with the pilot
- have a record of pre-notifications
Module 1 eligibility criteria
To apply for module 1 businesses needed to operate a consolidation hub site in the EU that:
- met food hygiene regulations
- is listed as an approved establishment to export animals and animal products to Great Britain
Module 2 Checks Away from the Border eligibility criteria
To apply for module 2 businesses needed to:
- be able to implement government-produced standard operating procedures which ensure equivalent assurance of public health, food safety and biosecurity safeguards
- have bio-secure premises and infrastructure in Great Britain that meet food safety standards
- provide end-to-end supply chain assurance, for example through a documented procurement policy
- have suitably trained staff who can act independently, and manage any staff conflicts of interest effectively
Module 3 eligibility criteria
To apply for module 3 businesses needed to already collect data on the journey that goods make to Great Britain. Data can include environmental sensor data from devices which record the temperature, humidity and CO2 levels of goods during transit.
This module will test whether the data provides assurances that could be used to provide benefits for businesses. Businesses must be willing to share the data with government.
How the pilot will run
The pilot will run in 4 phases.
Phase 1: apply for the pilot
Businesses express interest by applying for one or more of the modules.
Phase 2: co-design phase
Defra will invite successful businesses to participate in the co-design phase. This will be a collaborative process.
Defra, the Scottish and Welsh Governments, the Food Standards Agency, Food Standards Scotland and the business will work in partnership to establish any necessary changes to the business’ operational processes.
Phase 3: start pilot
Businesses will make the designed changes, monitor their success implementing the new procedures and identify any challenges or issues. Defra and other agencies will provide technical support throughout this phase to help with any difficulties.
The Certification Logistics module began implementation from 31 January 2024. The Checks Away from the Border and Journey Assurance modules will begin from 30 April 2024.
Phase 4: evaluation
Defra, the Food Standards Agency and Food Standards Scotland will audit whether businesses follow the new and existing procedures throughout the pilot. Businesses that do not comply with the procedures may not be able to continue the pilot.
At the end of the pilot, an evaluation working group will assess:
- if the proposed benefits of the scheme were realised
- if any identified risks were managed effectively
- how well the scheme model worked in practice against the scheme policy objectives
The evaluation framework will depend on which modules were tested by a business. The main aim of evaluation will be to make sure that the UK’s high biosecurity and food safety standards are maintained, whilst ascertaining the costs and benefits of the scheme.
The feedback and data gathered during this phase will help government refine the scheme for any wider rollout.
Selection criteria
A cross-government panel reviewed every application and selected businesses for the pilot based on:
- their compliance history with existing border checks
- whether they meet the relevant eligibility criteria
- industry representation – government want a diverse group of participants that can provide a wide range of perspectives and insights on the operation of the scheme
For the Certification Logistics module, government want to include participants with a variety of business models, sizes and different points of export.
Businesses that were not selected for this pilot can apply for future opportunities to join the scheme.
Get help
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Updates to this page
Published 11 September 2023Last updated 24 January 2024 + show all updates
Updated to provide a link to further information on the Certification Logistics Module Pilot.
Applications for the pilot closed on 6 October 2023.
Updated the eligibility criteria. The named responsible person with authority to act on behalf of the business will be liable for the business complying with the pilot.
Added clarification that module 2 applies to sites in Great Britain.
First published.