
Adult education budget (AEB) devolution

This guide contains information for providers with a current Education and Skills Funding Agency funding agreement and AEB allocation.

This guidance was withdrawn on

This guidance has been withdrawn because it is no longer current. You can read government policy on the adult education budget at adult education devolution.

Applies to England


On 1 August 2019, the adult education budget (AEB) was apportioned between the ESFA and initially 6 mayoral combined authorities (MCA’s) and the Greater London Authority (GLA).

As part of the devolution deals, certain adult education functions, in the Apprenticeships Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 which are funded by the AEB, were transferred from the Secretary of State for Education to the devolved MCAs in relation to their respective areas by Legislative Orders. These functions have been delegated to the Mayor of London in respect of the GLA.

Further information on the devolution of the adult education budget can be found in the AEB devolution operational guidance page and the Background to AEB devolution guidance page.

These are the Mayoral Combined Authorities and Greater London Authority delivering devolved AEB

A map showing the combined authorities and Greater London.

A map of the mayoral combined authorities (Greater London is not a ‘combined authority’, but is included here for completeness).

You can find further information about devolved authorities’ adult skills (AEB) on the devolved authorities’ websites by following the below links:

The following devolved areas became responsible for administering the AEB from 1 August 2019

North of Tyne became responsible for administering the AEB from 1 August 2020

Sheffield City Region and West Yorkshire (subject to legislation being in place) will become responsible for administering the AEB from 1 August 2021

Providers who wish to deliver to learners residing in areas where the AEB funding support is devolved will need to discuss funding arrangements directly with the relevant authority.

The following guidance remains in place for ESFA funded AEB:

Further information on AEB devolution

AEB devolution operational guidance

Updates to this page

Published 7 November 2018
Last updated 28 October 2020 show all updates
  1. Content replaced with AEB Devolution summary and guidance signposting sections. Previous content moved to a new AEB Devolution guidance collection page.

  2. We have updated the "Further advice for providers" section, to include information on the data sharing agreement and to add additional information on submitting learner data post-devolution.

  3. From 1 August 2019, the adult education budget (AEB) is apportioned between the ESFA and six mayoral combined authorities (MCA’s) and the Greater London Authority (GLA). We have updated this guide to reflect this.

  4. The guide has been updated to reflect the publishing of the grant determination letters on 27 March 2019. These changes have been made within the ‘Devolved authorities’ AEB’ section.

  5. The Adult Education Budget devolution guide has been updated.

  6. We have updated the information on the timetable.

  7. First published.

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