
Afghan citizens resettlement scheme: Separated Families Pathway

The Afghan citizens resettlement scheme separated families (ACRS) pathway closed at 3pm on 30 October 2024. You can no longer make a referral under this scheme.


The ACRS separated families pathway was intended to reunite families unintentionally separated during the events of Operation Pitting.

Individuals who were evacuated from Afghanistan on the ACRS Pathway 1 in August 2021 during Operation Pitting were eligible to make a referral to be reunited with their family members.

The ACRS separated families referral window closed on 30 October 2024. Referrals submitted after 3pm UK time on 30 October will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.


You and your family member should meet the requirements below.


You must have been evacuated to the UK from Afghanistan under ACRS Pathway 1 between the dates 13 August 2021 and 28 August 2021.  

Your family member if you are 18 or over

Your immediate family member should be one of the following:

  • your husband, wife, civil partner or unmarried partner (you can only refer one spouse or partner. If you are already in the UK with a spouse, you will not be able to refer another)
  • your own child who was born on or after 28 August 2003. The children you refer must not be living independently or have their own family.

Your family member if you are under 18

Your immediate family member should be your parents, or your brother(s) or sister(s) that are under the age of 18.

Other family members may be considered where there are exceptional circumstances.


There are no fees to make a referral to the separated families pathway.

Providing your documents

You will need to show that you were evacuated to the UK from Afghanistan under ACRS pathway 1. To do this you will need your biometric residence permit (BRP) or unique application number (UAN).

You’ll also need to provide sufficient documentation to prove that your family members meet the identity and relationship criteria of the pathway. 

If you are planning to update your BRP to an eVisa, keep your BRP card as you will need it to make a referral. If you have already updated your BRP to an eVisa and no longer have your BRP card, contact

Proving your family member’s identity and relationship to your family member

You’ll need to prove your family member’s identity and your relationship with your family member. Evidence which may support your referral includes:

  • Tazkira
  • passports
  • marriage certificates
  • adoption certificates
  • family photos
  • school reports
  • bank transfers between you and the family member
  • social media messages between you and the family member
  • medical records

Other types of evidence may be accepted. For evidence that is not in English, you must upload a translation.

It is not mandatory to provide these documents, but it may help support your referral if you do. You should explain why you are unable to provide them, for example, if you lost them or had to leave them behind when you left Afghanistan.

After you have made a referral

You’ll need to wait for an eligibility decision. ACRS P1 Stage 2: Separated Families is a two-stage decision making process. If found to be eligible, the next stage will be for your family members to apply for entry clearance to the UK at the nearest visa application centre (VAC). You will be sent a letter with the eligibility decision and instructions on what to do next. Confirmation of eligibility does not constitute an immigration decision.

Your family member should not make any travel arrangements before you receive your letter. They will then need to pass security checks and provide their identity at a VAC before they can be issued with a visa to enter the UK.

If any of your eligible family members are children under the age of 18, they should make this journey with an adult. Children should not travel without an adult.

Security checks

Before your eligible family members are offered a place on the ACRS, they will need to undergo security checks. This includes checks against security and other databases, as well as medical checks. Any offer on the ACRS is subject to these checks being successfully completed.

Providing biometrics

Your family member will need to have their photograph and fingerprints taken at a visa application centre (VAC) as part of the referral. There is no need to book an appointment. Once your eligible family members have left Afghanistan, they will be supported by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) with accommodation and food whilst they submit their entry clearance application and undertake further checks.

There are no VACs in Afghanistan. Your family member can find their closest VAC.

Children under the age of 5 will not have their fingerprints taken but will still need to go to a VAC to have a digital photograph taken.

At the VAC, your family member will need to prove their identity with any identity documents they may have such as:

  • a valid passport
  • Tazkira
  • a combination of official documents – for example, a photo driving licence and birth certificate

Your family member should still go to a VAC if they are unable to provide these documents. They should explain why they are unable to provide them - for example, if they had to leave their documents behind when they left.

How long it takes to get a decision

ACRS P1 Stage 2: Separated Families is a two-stage decision making process. Any offer of resettlement made by the Home Office, including as an immediate or additional family member, is dependent on the individual passing the necessary immigration suitability and security checks. Confirmation of eligibility does not constitute an immigration decision.

We aim to make decisions as quickly as possible. If you submit duplicate referrals it could slow down your decision.

We will contact you with an eligibility decision by email.

The ACRS separated families pathway closed at 3pm on 30 October 2024.

If you think there is an exceptional reason why you could not submit a referral by 3pm on 30 October 2024, contact

Arriving in the UK

You should approach your local authority if you think you will need additional support with accommodation, or any integration services once your family arrive. You can find contact details for your local council.

Updates to this page

Published 30 July 2024
Last updated 30 October 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated guidance to reflect that ACRS separated families pathway closed at 3pm on 30 October 2024.

  2. The Afghan citizens resettlement scheme: Separated Families Pathway will close at 3pm UK time on 30 October 2024. Referrals submitted after 3pm UK time will not be considered.

  3. First published.

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