Agent Dedicated Line — Self Assessment or PAYE for individuals
Call, chat or write to HMRC about Self Assessment or PAYE if you’re authorised to act as an agent or tax adviser for your client.
If you’ve already contacted HMRC, find out when you should receive a reply.
You can also check HMRC’s current performance and processing times for post and online requests.
Ask HMRC’s digital assistant to find information about your clients’ Self Assessment and PAYE needs.
If the digital assistant cannot help you, you can ask to transfer to an HMRC adviser if they’re available.
Online Agent services
Self Assessment for Agents online service
Use the Self Assessment for Agents online service to:
view your Self Assessment client’s PAYE coding notice
view your client’s Self Assessment statements
view the tax liabilities and the payments a client has made
make claims to reduce your client’s payments on account
submit your client’s tax returns online
view and change your client’s contact details online
download your full client list
PAYE for Agents online service
Use the PAYE for Agents online service to manage your clients responsibilities for:
employer PAYE
the Construction Industry Scheme
employment related securities
Income Record Viewer for agents online service
Get access to the Income Record Viewer for agents to see your clients:
PAYE information for the current year plus the 4 previous tax years
employment records, including time in employment, taxable benefits and any gap where no record is held by HMRC
income record
state and private pension information
Contact us by phone
Call HMRC about Self Assessment or PAYE if you’re formally authorised to act as an agent or tax adviser for your client.
Do not contact the helpline to:
- check progress if the date you should receive a reply by has not yet passed
- ask about tax or employment history if you can access this information online
0300 200 3311
Our phone line opening hours are:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.
Contact us by post
Write to HMRC if you’re formally authorised to act on behalf of your client.
You do not need to include a street name or PO box.
Couriers should use a different address.
HM Revenue and Customs
Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment
United Kingdom