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Lists of codes you can use for the alternative provision census.


Code Description
M Male
F Female
U Unknown (for use when, for example, the question has not been asked or for unborn children)


DfE extended codes Approved extended categories DfE main code Sub-category Main category Comments
WBRI White - British WBRI White - British White You cannot use WBRI if you have used codes WCOR - WWEL.
WCOR White - Cornish WBRI White - British White  
WENG White - English WBRI White - British White  
WNIR White – Northern Irish WBRI White - British White  
WSCO White - Scottish WBRI White - British White  
WWEL White - Welsh WBRI White - British White  
WOWB Other White British WBRI White - British White If you have used codes WCOR - WWEL, you must use WOWB for all other pupils within the main ‘any other ethnic group’ category. If you use WOWB, you cannot use WBRI.
WIRI White - Irish WIRI White White  
WIRT Traveller of Irish heritage WIRT White White  
WOTH Any other white background WOTH Any other white background White You cannot use WOTH if you have used codes WALB - WWEU.
WALB Albanian WOTH Any other white background White  
WBOS Bosnian-Herzegovinian WOTH Any other white background White  
WCRO Croatian WOTH Any other white background White  
WGRE Greek/Greek Cypriot WOTH Any other white background White If you do not wish to distinguish between pupils of Greek and Greek Cypriot, use this code. You cannot use WGRE if you have used either WGRK or WGRC.
WGRK Greek WOTH Any other white background White You can only use this code with WGRC.
WGRC Greek Cypriot WOTH Any other white background White You can only use this code with WGRK.
WITA Italian WOTH Any other white background White  
WKOS Kosovan WOTH Any other white background White  
WPOR Portuguese WOTH Any other white background White  
WSER Serbian WOTH Any other white background White  
WTUR Turkish/Turkish Cypriot WOTH Any other white background White If you do not wish to distinguish between pupils of Turkish and Turkish Cypriot heritage, use this code. You cannot use WTUR if you have used either WTUK or WTUC.
WTUK Turkish WOTH Any other white background White You can only use this code with WTUC.
WTUC Turkish Cypriot WOTH Any other white background White You can only use this code with WTUK.
WEUR White European WOTH Any other white background White If you do not collect information on white european pupils on the basis of country of origin or East/West European, use this code.
WEEU White Eastern European WOTH Any other white background White Including Russian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian, Montenegrin and Romanian.
WWEU White Western European WOTH Any other white background White Including Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Scandinavian.
WOTW White other WOTH Any other white background White If you have used codes WALB - WWEU, you must use WOTW for all other pupils within the main ‘any other white background’ category. If you use WOTW, you cannot use WOTH.
WROM Gypsy/Roma WROM Gypsy/Roma White Use this code for pupils who identify themselves as Gypsies, Romanies, Travellers, Traditional Travellers, Romanichals, Romanichal Gypsies Welsh Gypsies/Kaale, Scottish Travellers / Gypsies, and or Roma. It should not include fairground (showman’s) children; the children travelling with circuses; or the children of New Travellers or Bargees unless their ethnic status is that which is mentioned above. Use this code if you are not using WROG or WROR.
WROG Gypsy WROM Gypsy/Roma White This code enables the separate identification of Gypsy pupils. This includes all children of a Gypsy ethnic background, irrespective of whether they are nomadic, semi-nomadic or living in static accommodation.
WROR Roma WROM Gypsy/Roma White This code identifies the separate identification of Roma pupils.
WROO Other Gypsy/Roma WROM Gypsy/Roma White Use this code for Gypsy/Roma pupils who do not identify with one or the other of the above groups - pupils with mixed Gypsy/Roma heritage.
MWBC White and Black Caribbean MWBC White and Black Caribbean Mixed/Dual background  
MWBA White and Black African MWBA White and Black African Mixed/Dual background  
MWAS White and Asian MWAS White and Asian Mixed/Dual background You cannot use MWAS if you have used codes MWAP - MWAI.
MWAP White and Pakistani MWAS White and Asian Mixed/Dual background  
MWAI White and Indian MWAS White and Asian Mixed/Dual background  
MWAO White and any other Asian background MWAS White and Asian Mixed/Dual background If you have used codes MWAP - MWAI, you must use MWAO for all other Mixed/Dual background pupils within the main ‘white and Asian’ category. If you use MWAO, you cannot use MWAS.
MOTH Any other mixed background MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background You cannot use MOTH if you have used codes MAOE - MWCH.
MAOE Asian and any other ethnic group MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background  
MABL Asian and Black MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background  
MACH Asian and Chinese MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background  
MBOE Black and any other ethnic group MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background  
MBCH Black and Chinese MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background  
MCOE Chinese and any other ethnic group MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background  
MWOE White and any other ethnic group MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background  
MWCH White and Chinese MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background  
MOTM Other mixed background MOTH Any other mixed background Mixed/Dual background If you have used codes MAOE - MWCH, you must use MOTM for all other pupils within the main ‘any other mixed background’ category. If you use MOTM, you cannot use MOTH.
AIND Indian AIND Indian Asian or Asian British  
APKN Pakistani APKN Pakistani Asian or Asian British You cannot use APKN if you have used codes AMPK - AKPA.
AMPK Mirpuri Pakistani APKN Pakistani Asian or Asian British  
AKPA Kashmiri Pakistani APKN Pakistani Asian or Asian British  
AOPK Other Pakistani APKN Pakistani Asian or Asian British If you have used codes AMPK - AKPA, you must use AOPK for all other pupils within the main Pakistani category. If you use AOPK, you cannot use APKN.
ABAN Bangladeshi ABAN Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British  
AOTH Any other Asian background AOTH Any other Asian background Asian or Asian British You cannot use AOTH if you have used codes AAFR - ASRO.
AAFR African Asian AOTH Any other Asian background Asian or Asian British Including East and South African Asians.
AKAO Kashmiri other AOTH Any other Asian background Asian or Asian British You should use this code for Kashmiri respondents not wishing to be classified under Asian Pakistani.
ANEP Nepali AOTH Any other Asian background Asian or Asian British  
ASNL Sri Lankan Sinhalese AOTH Any other Asian background Asian or Asian British You can only use this code with either ASLT or ASRO.
ASLT Sri Lankan Tamil AOTH Any other Asian background Asian or Asian British You can only use this code with either ASNL or ASRO.
ASRO Sri Lankan other AOTH Any other Asian background Asian or Asian British You can only use this code with either ASNL or ASLT.
AOTA Other Asian AOTH Any other Asian background Asian or Asian British If you have used codes AAFR - ASRO, you must use AOTA for all other pupils within the main ‘any other ethnic group’ category. If you use AOTA, you cannot use AOTH.
BCRB Black Caribbean BCRB Black Caribbean Black or Black British Including Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago.
BAFR Black - African BAFR Black - African Black or Black British You cannot use BAFR if you have used codes BANN - BSUD.
BANN Black - Angolan BAFR Black - African Black or Black British  
BCON Black - Congolese BAFR Black - African Black or Black British  
BGHA Black - Ghanaian BAFR Black - African Black or Black British  
BNGN Black - Nigerian BAFR Black - African Black or Black British  
BSLN Black - Sierra Leonean BAFR Black - African Black or Black British  
BSOM Black - Somali BAFR Black - African Black or Black British  
BSUD Black - Sudanese BAFR Black - African Black or Black British Including Sudanese of Egyptian origin.
BAOF Other Black African BAFR Black - African Black or Black British Including Black South African, Zimbabwean, Ethiopian, Rwandan and Ugandan. If you have used codes BANN - BSUD, you must use BAOF for all other Black African pupils. If you use BAOF, you cannot use BAFR.
BOTH Any other black background BOTH Any other black background Black or Black British You cannot use BOTH if you have used codes BEUR - BNAM.
BEUR Black European BOTH Any other black background Black or Black British  
BNAM Black North American BOTH Any other black background Black or Black British Include Black North American and Canadian.
BOTB Other Black BOTH Any other black background Black or Black British If you have used codes BEUR - BNAM, you must use BOTB for all other pupils within the main ‘any other black background’ category. If you use BOTB, you cannot use BOTH.
CHNE Chinese CHNE Chinese Asian or Asian British You cannot use CHNE if you have used codes CHKC - CTWN.
CHKC Hong Kong Chinese CHNE Chinese Asian or Asian British  
CMAL Malaysian Chinese CHNE Chinese Asian or Asian British  
CSNG Singaporean Chinese CHNE Chinese Asian or Asian British  
CTWN Taiwanese CHNE Chinese Asian or Asian British  
COCH Other Chinese CHNE Chinese Asian or Asian British If you have used codes CHKC - CTWN, you must use COCH for all other Chinese pupils, you cannot use CHNE.
OOTH Any other ethnic group OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group You cannot use OOTH if you have used codes OAFG - OYEM.
OAFG Afghan OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OARA Arab other OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group Include Palestinian, Kuwaiti, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian.
OEGY Egyptian OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OFIL Filipino OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OIRN Iranian OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OIRQ Iraqi OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OJPN Japanese OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OKOR Korean OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OKRD Kurdish OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group Include Kurdish pupils from Iraq, Iran and Turkey.
OLAM Latin/South/Central American OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group Include all pupils from Central/ South America, Cuba and Belize.
OLEB Lebanese OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OLIB Libyan OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OMAL Malay OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group Including Malaysian other than Malaysian Chinese.
OMRC Moroccan OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OPOL Polynesian OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group Including Fijian, Tongan, Samoan and Tahitian.  
OTHA Thai OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OVIE Vietnamese OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OYEM Yemeni OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group  
OOEG Other ethnic group OOTH Any other ethnic group Any other ethnic group If you have used codes OAFG - OYEM, you must use OOEG for all other pupils within the main ‘any other ethnic group’ category. If you use OOEG, you cannot use OOTH.
REFU Refused REFU Refused Refused  
NOBT Information not yet obtained NOBT Information not yet obtained Information not yet obtained  

Pupil SEN provision

Code Description
N No special educational need
E Education, health and care plan
K SEN support

Pupil SEN type

Code Description
SPLD Specific learning difficulty
MLD Moderate learning difficulty
SLD Severe learning difficulty
PMLD Profound and multiple learning difficulty
SEMH Social, emotional and mental health
SLCN Speech, language and communication needs
HI Hearing impairment
VI Vision impairment
MSI Multi-sensory impairment
PD Physical disability
ASD Autistic spectrum disorder
OTH Other difficulty
NSA SEN support but no specialist assessment of type of need

Primary reason for placement

Code Description
EHC Setting named on EHC plan
MHN Mental health need
NEW New arrival without a school place
OTH Other
PCC Pregnancy / childcare
PEX Permanent exclusion
PHN Physical health need
YOI Pupil in young offender institutes / secure training centres

Type of setting

Code Description
NFE Non-maintained further education provision
OOT One on one tuition
OTH Other unregistered provider
WBP Work based placement


Code Description
YC Yes – provision linked to a children’s home
YH Yes – provision linked to a healthcare setting
YO Yes – provision linked to other service
NO No – provision is not linked

Attendance pattern

Code Description
FT Full time in alternative provision at this provider
PT Part time in alternative provision at this provider