
Check how the government spends your taxes — Annual Tax Summary

Check how the government calculates and spends your Income Tax and National Insurance contributions within your Annual Tax Summary.

Use this service to view your Annual Tax Summary. The summary shows:

  • your taxable income from all sources that HMRC knew about at the time that it was prepared
  • the rates used to calculate your Income Tax and National Insurance contributions
  • a breakdown of how the UK government spends your taxes — this makes government spending more transparent

The summary might be different from other HMRC tax calculations. This could be because:

  • your circumstances have changed
  • some sources of income are not included

The summary is for information only. You do not need to contact HMRC or your employer.

The summary is not evidence of income. For evidence of income, you will need a:

Start now

Before you start

You’ll need to sign in to use this service. If you do not already have sign in details, you’ll be able to create them.

If you do not have a summary

Not everyone will have an Annual Tax Summary.

Get more information

Find out how public spending has been calculated in annual tax summaries.

Estimate your Income Tax for the current year to find out how much Income Tax and National Insurance you might pay this tax year

Updates to this page

Published 4 July 2014
Last updated 13 February 2024 show all updates
  1. Guidance has been updated to show that the Annual Tax Summary is not evidence of income you have received.

  2. Information has been updated on how to find a breakdown of how public spending has been calculated.

  3. The page has been updated and a link to HM Treasury’s Public Spending Statistics page has been added.

  4. The 'How you'll get your tax summary' section has been updated to include information about PAYE notice of coding, and how to opt out of receiving a PAYE annual tax summary.

  5. This guide has been updated to advise you of the introduction of the Scottish Rate of Income Tax from April 2016.

  6. First published.

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