
Apply for a temporary Certificate of Competence to slaughter or kill animals

Apply for a temporary Certificate of Competence to slaughter or kill animals under the Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (WATOK) regulations.

Applies to England and Wales

You can use this form to apply for a temporary Certificate of Competence (CoC) if you:

  • work in a slaughterhouse
  • do not have a full CoC for the type of animal you will work with or the operation you will carry out
  • have registered on a Food and Drink Qualifications (FDQapproved training course
  • want to add a new type of animal or operation to an existing full CoC

A temporary CoC is only valid for 3 months. You can work in a slaughterhouse with a temporary CoC if you’re supervised by someone who has a full CoC that covers both the:

  • types of animals you will work with
  • operations you’re carrying out

Before you apply

Read the guidance on applying for a Certificate of Competence to slaughter or kill animals.

Before you apply for a temporary CoC, you’ll need to:

  • know your 6-digit Food and Drink Qualifications (FDQ) registration number (your employer or training provider should have given you this when you registered for an approved training course)
  • know the activity code for each type of animal and operation  you are applying for
  • get your slaughterhouse’s 4-digit establishment approval code from your employer

If you want to add new species or operation to your existing full CoC, you’ll need to know your current CoC ID number. If you do not know your CoC ID number, email the Food Standard Agency (FSAWATOK team:

Offences and licensing history

If you have been convicted of an animal welfare offence, you must tell us:

  • which law you broke
  • what penalty you received (including any restriction or disqualification orders, with details of their start and end dates)
  • when were you convicted of the offences

If you have been refused a licence or a CoC to kill an animal or carry out a related operation. You must tell us:

  • why it was refused
  • when it was refused

If your licence or a CoC to kill an animal or carry out a related operation has been suspended or revoked (cancelled). You must tell us:

  • why was it suspended or revoked
  • when was it suspended or revoked
  • which authority suspended or revoked it

Start now

Other ways to apply

You can request a copy of the application form in Welsh by emailing the FSA WATOK team at

Get help

For help with this form, contact the FSA WATOK team by:

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Published 4 March 2025

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