Apply for Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) funding
What eligible local authorities need to do to apply for LEVI funding.
Applies to England
The Local EV Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund supports local authorities in England to plan and deliver charging infrastructure for residents without off-street parking.
The fund comprises:
- capital funding to support chargepoint delivery
- capability funding to ensure that local authorities have the staff and capability to plan and deliver charging infrastructure
Apply for LEVI capital funding
Indicative capital funding has been allocated to Tier 1 local authorities (unitary, county council or combined authorities) in England on behalf of all their constituent authorities. In London, capital funding will be delivered through borough partnerships.
View a breakdown of the funding and tranche allocations and a methodology statement.
Local authorities need to follow a 3-stage process to access their indicative funding:
- stage 1: expression of interest
- stage 2: application form
- stage 3: contract review
Stage 2 of the 3-stage process is now open.
Local authorities that are allocated to funding tranche 1 (financial year 2023 to 2024) must apply by 30 November 2023.
Local authorities in funding tranche 2 (financial year 2024 to 2025) will submit their application forms next financial year.
Further information is provided by the LEVI support body.
Apply for LEVI capability funding
The fund is now live and government is working with local authorities who have completed their proposals. Once approved, local authorities will receive confirmation from government, including when their first payment will be made for the financial year 2023 to 2024.
View a breakdown of the funding allocation amounts.
To access capability funding, you must be either a:
- tier 1 local authority or combined authority (acting on behalf of authorities in their region) in England
- partnership or consortium led by a tier 1 local authority within England
There is a bespoke approach for London through Transport for London (TfL) and London Councils.
Support for local authority officers will be provided by the LEVI support body. Any queries should be sent to:
Fund objectives
The LEVI Fund has 2 main objectives:
- deliver a step-change in the deployment of local, primarily low power, on-street charging infrastructure across England
- accelerate the commercialisation of, and investment in, the local charging infrastructure sector
Applicants must show that the majority of chargepoints will benefit residents who do not have off-street parking. This could include:
residents using local authority supported car clubs
commuting residents, where most do not have off-street parking
Where there is a sound commercial reasoning, a minority of the chargepoints can primarily benefit other users, for example tourists.
See the LEVI support body website for further information on what you can use the funding for.