
Applying to the Youth Investment Fund Phase 1

Guidance on the Youth Investment Fund Phase 1, a £10-million grant launched through BBC Children In Need, including details on who is eligible and how to apply.

Applies to England

Due to significant demand, BBC Children in Need have now closed applications to the fund, as indicated via their application web page. This fund did not have a fixed application window, with applications being assessed on a rolling basis as received.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) is launching phase 1 of the Youth Investment Fund.

About the fund

The aim of the Youth Investment Fund (YIF) is to create, expand and improve local youth facilities and their services, in order to drive positive outcomes for young people, including improved health and wellbeing, and skills for work, employability and life.

Following a competitive application process, we are pleased to announce that YIF phase 1 will be administered by BBC Children In Need, on behalf of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS).

Applications can be submitted from 31 March 2022.

Phase 1 comprises £10 million for youth provision in left-behind areas of England, and is funding for small-scale capital projects. We define capital as the costs of building improvements, buying equipment (including IT and vehicles) and furnishings. Because this funding needs to be spent by 31st March 2022, we expect applications to mainly involve purchasing equipment rather than undertaking major building work.

Selected places and methodology

The YIF will level up ‘left-behind’ areas where youth need is high and provision is low, creating a level playing field for young people to have equal access to youth services, trusted youth workers, and dedicated youth facilities that deliver positive outcomes.

We propose to target investment in areas of greatest need.

The eligible areas have been identified and have been ranked by a combination of youth need and low provision. DCMS has developed a detailed methodology underpinning the selection of areas.

The eligible areas have been identified and have been ranked by a combination of youth need and low provision. DCMS has developed a detailed methodology underpinning the selection of areas.


This fund is available to organisations who can demonstrate the following:

  • Work with children and young people in the selected ‘left behind’ areas of England, where the majority of the young people are aged 11 to 18 years.

  • Where young people have a special educational need, are leaving care, or are considered ‘at risk’ or vulnerable, we may also fund up to the age of 25 years.

  • Are applying for capital funding

  • Meet the due diligence requirements for this fund

  • Are registered with their appropriate regulatory body. We will consider applications from:

    • Charities registered with the Charities Commission

    • Not-for-profit organisations (including CICs) registered with Companies House

    • Schools (where they provide activities outside of school hours and additional to the curriculum)

    • Local authorities (where they provide youth services)

    • Uniformed organisations

    • Exempt charities

    • Sports clubs

Further phases of funding through the Youth Investment Fund will be announced in due course. If you would like further information on the YIF programme, please contact

Updates to this page

Published 19 January 2022
Last updated 7 February 2022 show all updates
  1. Addition of clause: Due to significant demand, BBC Children in Need have now closed applications to the fund, as indicated via their application web page. This fund did not have a fixed application window, with applications being assessed on a rolling basis as received.

  2. Added link to Places Selection Methodology.

  3. First published.

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