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Delivering the apprenticeship

Data protection and apprenticeship completion certificates.

Delivering apprenticeship training to receiving employers


If you are a main provider who is also a levy-paying employer (this includes any connected companies), you must not deliver training to apprentices you are funding through a transfer. This includes where you are acting as a main provider or a subcontractor.


You must ensure the receiving employer is aware of the requirement to follow the apprenticeship funding rules for employers for all of their apprenticeships funded by a transfer.


You must agree the details of the apprenticeship with the receiving employer on the apprenticeship service.


You must fully explain to the receiving employer the requirement to pay co-investment if the full cost of the apprenticeship cannot be met with a transfer or from their apprenticeship service account. You must arrange to collect co-investment as set out in the co-investment section.


You are responsible for confirming that a receiving employer has arranged a transfer to fund their apprenticeship from the outset.


Once the transfer of levy funds has been processed, the responsibility and liability of the transfer funded apprenticeship lies solely with the receiving employer. The sending employer has no accountability for that apprenticeship, apart from the commitment to fund the apprenticeship over its entire duration until completion.

Delivering the apprenticeship

Data protection


Main providers must comply with their obligations under data protection legislation, in particular in relation to circumstances where they act as data controllers or data processors, any notification requirements and the duty to appoint a data protection officer.


Data protection legislation means (i) the Data Protection Act 1998 and, for the periods when they are in force, (ii) the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and the Law Enforcement Directive (Directive (EU) 2016/680) and any applicable national implementing laws as amended from time to time and (iii) the Data Protection Act 2018.