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The training plan between the apprentice, employer and main provider

Setting out the conditions of the training plan

The training plan between the apprentice, employer and main provider

New for 1 August 2022:

  • P56 to P58 - Restructure: We have changed the name of the commitment statement to training plan throughout this section (and the funding rules document).

  • P56.2 - New rule: The training plan must not include any content that has been identified and agreed with the employer, as relevant prior learning.

  • P56.3 and P57.6.3 - New rules: The training plan must be agreed before any training is delivered. We accept that for longer programmes (i.e. 12 months +) these details may not yet be finalised, and the plan may initially only detail the first year; in these circumstances the training plan should be updated as the information becomes available. Updated for version 1.

  • P56.4 - Clarification: That funding can only be claimed from the date on which evidence of learning activity can be provided.

  • P57.2.1 - Clarification: The training plan must be updated to include the end-point assessment organisation no later than 6 months before the learning planned end date (rule replicated from the EPA section).

  • P57.5 to P57.6 - New rules: We require that the training plan documents when and how components of the programme will be delivered and that where apprenticeship funding is being accessed, this party must be on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (unless the exemption at P178.3 applies). Updated for version 1.

  • P58 - New rule: That funds will be at risk if you are not able to show, upon request, an up to date training plan and current progress towards this training plan.


You, the apprentice and their employer must contribute to, agree and sign a copy of a training plan (previously called a commitment statement).

  • P56.1 This must set out the training (including the volume of off-the-job training hours) that will be delivered in the practical period and document how all three parties (apprentice, employer and main provider) will support the achievement of the apprenticeship.

  • P56.2 The training plan must not include any content that has been identified and agreed with the employer, as relevant prior learning (see paragraph P25).

  • P56.3 The training plan must be agreed before any training is delivered (see paragraph P57.6.3).

  • P56.4 Funding can only be claimed from the date on which learning activity that is directly related to the apprenticeship and documented in the training plan begins and can be evidenced.

  • P56.5 The training plan and apprenticeship agreement must be separate documents (each document has different signature requirements and the training plan is likely to be updated more frequently).

  • P56.6 The training plan must be kept up to date with any material changes (e.g. as a result of a change of circumstance or any changes that are agreed at a progress review).

  • P56.7 All parties must keep a current signed and dated version of the training plan. You must keep your version (and previous versions) in the evidence pack.

    • P56.7.1 A template training plan is available on GOV.UK. It is not mandatory to use this template. Where you use an alternative, it must comply with P57 below.


The training plan must set out:

  • P57.1 The name of the apprentice, their job role and their normal working hours. By normal working hours we mean their paid hours excluding overtime.

  • P57.2 Details of all relevant parties (the employer, the main provider (and any subcontractors involved in the delivery of training) and the end-point assessment organisation).

    • P57.2.1 We recognise that the end-point assessment organisation may not be known at the start of the apprenticeship. The training plan must be updated to include these details as soon as they have been confirmed. This should be no later than 6 months before the learning planned end date (see paragraph P160).
  • P57.3 Details of the apprenticeship, including the name of the apprenticeship standard, the level, the start and end dates for both the apprenticeship and the practical period of training (see paragraph P30).

    • P57.3.1 The practical period start date set out in the training plan must align with the practical period start date in the apprenticeship agreement and the learning start date in the ILR.
  • P57.4 The volume of off-the-job training hours that will be delivered. This must at least meet the minimum policy requirement (see paragraphs P41 toP44).

    • P57.4.1 The results of the individual’s initial assessment, including recognition of prior learning, must be taken into account before developing the training plan.
  • P57.5 For the full programme, a brief description (2-3 sentences) to describe the delivery model (i.e. frequency and mode of delivery). Frequency may include regular delivery through day release or block release (including front loaded training). The mode of delivery may include 1:1 instruction, cohort attendance at the training provider, virtual classrooms or self-directed distance learning.

  • P57.6 The planned content / units of delivery.

    • P57.6.1 For standards without a mandatory qualification this must be a description of the activities that the apprentice will undertake to develop occupational competency.

    • P57.6.2 For standards with a mandatory qualification this must be, as a minimum, a list of the units, along with a description of any additional activities that the apprentice will undertake to develop occupational competency.

    • P57.6.3 Details of when content will be delivered. We accept that for longer programmes (i.e. 12 months +) these details may not yet be finalised, and the plan may initially only detail the first year; in these circumstances the training plan should be updated as the information becomes available. This equally applies where an apprentice may have optional aspects available to them at a later point in the apprenticeship.

    • P57.6.4 Details of the party responsible for each component’s delivery; this may include the main provider, a sub-contractor or the employer. Where this party is accessing apprenticeship funding for the delivery, they must be on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (unless the exemption at paragraph P178.3 applies).

    • P57.6.5 It must be clear if the component has been used towards the off-the-job training calculation.

  • P57.7 An agreement of what is required from and offered by the apprentice, employer, main provider (and any delivery subcontractors) to achieve the apprenticeship (i.e. roles and responsibilities) and details of how all parties will work together. This must include the contact details of each party.

  • P57.8 Written confirmation from the employer that the apprentice will be allowed to undertake off-the-job training within their normal working hours, in addition to English and maths training if required.

  • P57.9 Summary details of progress reviews (involving the main provider, employer, apprentice), including the frequency and format, to discuss progress to date against the training plan and the immediate next steps required (see paragraphs P59 to P60).

  • P57.10 The process for resolving any queries or complaints regarding the apprenticeship, including quality. This must include details of the escalation route within the main provider’s own organisation and the escalation process to Apprenticeship Service Support on 08000 150 600 or


Funds will be at risk if you are not able to show, upon request, an up to date training plan (that meets the minimum requirements) and evidence to demonstrate current progress towards this plan.