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Requirements for managing asbestos and who this guidance is for

Overview of the requirements for the effective management of asbestos materials within schools and colleges and who this guidance applies to.


This non-statutory guidance provides an overview of requirements for the effective management of asbestos materials within schools and colleges. It explains the obligations on dutyholders and signposts to more detailed guidance.

Your school or college buildings may contain asbestos if any part of them was built before 2000. It is extremely important that any asbestos present in your school or college is located and managed effectively.

Failure to comply with the relevant legislation in HSE’s Introduction to asbestos safety is a criminal offence. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigates incidents where dutyholders fail to manage the risks, and takes enforcement action where appropriate.

This guidance includes case studies which outline some of the consequences that have followed when dutyholders either failed to seek competent advice or ignored advice in the procurement of works, including minor works.

Further guidance can be found in HSE’s duty to manage asbestos in buildings and asbestos management checklist for schools.

Following the steps set out in this guidance should protect the health of staff, pupils, students and visitors, including contractors, to the school or college from the risk of exposure to asbestos. Where appropriate measures are not taken, those with responsibility could face prosecution.

This guidance will be updated at least every 5 years and in the event of changes to policy or legislation. Enquiries about this guidance should be directed to


This guidance applies to dutyholders and others in state-funded schools and colleges who have a role to play in the safe management of asbestos. This includes:

  • local authorities
  • headteachers
  • business managers
  • facilities managers
  • governing bodies
  • all teaching and support staff
  • maintenance and caretaking staff
  • trade union health and safety representatives
  • members of school and college management teams
  • charitable trusts working in schools or colleges containing asbestos