
Assimilated General Export Authorisations (GEAs)

How assimilated GEA licences authorise the export of certain controlled items to specified countries.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales


General Export Authorisations (GEAs) are:

  • part of the dual-use and the torture goods regulations
  • considered equivalent in function to the national system of open general licences (OGLs) issued under UK export control law

GEAs were assimilated in UK law after the UK’s exit from the EU through the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. They are now called Assimilated GEAs.

Assimilated GEAs are valid for export from England, Scotland, and Wales.

Assimilated GEAs

Assimilated GEAs are one of several types of export authorisation issued by the Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU), part of the Department for Business and Trade.

These are valid only for exports from England, Scotland, and Wales by companies registered in the UK.

To legally use the authorisations, UK exporters need to register to use the GEAs with the ECJU and make sure that they meet all the terms and conditions.

As the exporter, it is your responsibility to make sure you are using the correct authorisation.

Check how to register for an export licence for controlled items.

Assimilated Dual-Use Regulation

The assimilated Dual-Use Regulation controls goods, software or technology that can be used for either civil or military purposes.

Read more about the Assimilated Dual-Use Regulation.

Assimilated Torture Goods Regulation

The Assimilated Torture Goods Regulation controls goods that can be used for torture or capital punishment.

Read more about export controls: torture and capital punishment goods.

Standard Individual Export Licence (SIELs) and Open Individual Export Licences (OIELs)

You may apply for a SIEL or OIEL if an assimilated GEA does not meet your exporting requirements.

To check if you can use an assimilated GEA, use the tools on the OGEL and Goods Checker Tools website.

Check how to apply for an SIEL or OIEL.

See also:


Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 establishes an EU-wide regime for controlled exports of:

  • dual-use items
  • software
  • technology

The Regulation retains the same GEAs that existed at the time the UK left the EU.

Assimilated GEAs in Retained Dual-Use Regulation

There are 6 assimilated GEAs contained in Annexes to the Assimilated Dual-Use Regulation:

  • GEA 001 (Annex IIa): exports to Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland (including Liechtenstein) and the United States
  • GEA 002 (Annex IIb): export of certain Dual-Use Items to certain destinations
  • GEA 003 (Annex IIc): export after repair or replacement
  • GEA 004 (Annex IId): temporary export for exhibition or fair
  • GEA 005 (Annex IIe): telecommunications
  • GEA 006 (Annex IIf): chemicals

Accessing copies of retained GEAs

The assimilated GEAs are listed in full, as linked above, in the published version of Assimilated Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 on

Scope and conditions of use

Each assimilated GEA contains a:

  • precise list of destinations to which exports are permitted
  • specific list of items that may be exported to those destinations
  • specific set of conditions of use, which must be adhered to when exporting under the GEA

The items listed on each dual-use GEA refer to a control entry heading or rating. This should be cross-referenced to goods described on the Dual-Use List.

How to register for a GEA for controlled items

You can use SPIRE (the online export licensing system) to:

  • check an assimilated GEA provides coverage for a particular item or destination
  • decide if an assimilated GEA is appropriate for your exports
  • check whether an assimilated GEA provides coverage for a particular item or destination
  • register for the appropriate authorisation

You must:

Declaring/quoting your retained GEA registration reference number

You must declare your assimilated GEA registration reference number on the customs declaration form. The relevant numbers must be entered on Box 44 of the form.


The assimilated GEAs may be used by any exporter established in the UK (subject to meeting the specified terms and conditions). All assimilated GEAs continue to operate as authorisations to export but will only be valid for exports from GB.


Holders of this authorisation are subject to ECJU Compliance Audits.

You must keep appropriate records when using assimilated GEAs.

For more information see the guide on compliance and enforcement of export controls.

All authorisations are legally binding. It is your responsibility when exporting controlled items that you take all reasonable steps to ensure that you use the correct authorisation.

You must act to:

  • read and understand this guidance
  • use the Checker Tools website to help identify an appropriate authorisatione
  • seek external legal advice where required

Non-compliance with authorisation terms and conditions

You must take immediate steps to register or apply for the correct authorisation if:

  • you are mistakenly using the wrong authorisation
  • an ECJU compliance audit confirmed that you were using the wrong authorisation

Depending on the seriousness and nature of offence, you may receive a warning letter or be prohibited from using an authorisation.

Contact the ECJU

General queries about strategic export licensing

Export Control Joint Unit
Department for Business and Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place


Telephone 020 7215 4594

More information on export controls is available on the ECJU pages of the GOV.UK website and SPIRE the online export licensing database.

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Published 6 March 2025

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