
Attorney General's Civil Panel Counsel: appointments, membership lists and off panel counsel

Recruitment process, rates of pay, overview of the panel, lists of members and guidance for barristers who work ‘off panel’.


The Government Legal Department (GLD) administers the Attorney General’s Panel Counsel.

The Attorney General’s panels of counsel consists of just over 400 junior counsel who undertake civil and EU work for all government departments.

This guide explains how to apply to be on the panel counsel and which panel you would be advised to apply for. It also covers ‘work outside the panel’ which means working for the government but not as a member of panel counsel.

The role of the Law Officers

The Law Officers have overall responsibility for counsel instructed on behalf of government. They make appointments to the panels, and ensure that the operation of the panels is as effective as possible.

Panel counsel: structure

The Attorney General maintains panels of junior counsel to undertake civil and EU work for all government departments. These are in addition to any standing counsel and the First Treasury Counsel, James Eadie KC.

The panel system is made up of London Panels, Regional Panels and Public International Law Panels, each set up as follows:

A Panel – deals with the most complex government cases in all kinds of courts and tribunals. Members will often appear against KCs. In general, those appointed to the A panel will have over 10 years’ advocacy experience.

B Panel – deals with substantial cases but not in general as complex as those handled by the A panel. Members will generally be instructed where knowledge and experience of a particular field is required. B panel applicants will generally have between 5 and 10 years’ advocacy experience but those with more experience can also apply.

C Panel – members will generally have between 2 and 5 years’ advocacy experience but those with more experience can apply. Those appointed to the C panel will often (but not always) become the A and B panel members of the future and so will be expected to show the potential to join the A panel.

‘Advocacy experience’ means experience in actual practice usually from the end of second 6 months’ pupillage. Where a third 6 months’ pupillage is taken there will need to be a judgement as to the extent and quality of the advocacy undertaken during that period.

The size of each panel is determined by need.

All government departments and agencies of government departments must use the panels.

London panels (details of current counsel)

Appointments are for a period of 5 years.

Regional panels

Outside London and the South East there are 5 regions to which counsel belong: North East, North, Wales, Midlands and South West.

From 3 April 2018, the Attorney General’s Regional Panel of Junior Counsel was restructured to align it with the other civil panels. Furthermore, following a recruitment exercise, a refresh of the Regional Panel saw changes to the membership.

As a result of the restructuring, within each region, the panel will be set up as follows:

Appointments are for a period of 5 years.

Public International Law (PIL) panel

The Attorney General established panels of junior counsel to undertake public international law on behalf of all government departments in order to supplement the work of the existing 3 London Panels. PIL Panel Counsel Public International Law Panel November 2024 (ODT, 27.3 KB) will undertake cases involving public international law in international courts and in the courts of England and Wales.

Appointments to the panel

The London A, B and C Panel competitions have closed and results have been emailed to candidates. 128 London ABC Panel new appointees (PDF, 134 KB, 4 pages) were announced in August 2024.

Forthcoming Competitions

The London ABC Panel recruitment is now open and will close at noon on Wednesday 5 March.

Join GLD for an information evening on Monday 3 February where you can find out more information about the application process and panel counsel work. For more information please access the Panel Counsel information evening (PDF, 191 KB, 1 page) flyer.

Read the FAQs (PDF, 181 KB, 7 pages), refer to the Information for candidates (PDF, 156 KB, 5 pages) or contact the Panel Counsel Secretariat.

Register your interest with the Panel Counsel Secretariat who will issue you with a full application pack.

Completed applications must be submitted by noon on Wednesday 5 March 2025.

Recruitment for the Regional ABC Panel is expected to open in autumn 2026.

If you have any queries, please contact the Panel Counsel team at

Junior Counsel to the Treasury in Charity Matters

Jonathan Fowles of Serle Court Chambers was appointed Junior Counsel to the Treasury in Charity Matters on 4 September 2024.


As part of the Attorney General’s aim of encouraging as wide a selection of applicants as possible, potential applicants can use our mentoring service. Mentors will be established panel members who can discuss their panel experience, the application process, eligibility criteria and presentation of relevant information. For more details, please contact the Government Legal Department’s Panel Counsel team.


For details of rates see our practical information page.

Equality and diversity

The Attorney General operates an equal opportunities policy in relation to the civil panels. The assessment process emphasises the importance of making recommendations for appointment on the basis of demonstrable skills.

The Attorney General appoints the best candidates solely on merit, irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion/belief, sex (gender), and sexual orientation.

Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)

The Panel Counsel Appointment process is carried out in accordance with the principles of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) which was created under the Equality Act 2010. Public authorities like the Government Legal Department are now required, in carrying out their functions, to have due regard to the need to achieve the objectives set out under s149 of the Equality Act 2010. The PSED came into force across Great Britain on 5 April 2011.

It means that public bodies have to consider all individuals when carrying out their day-to-day work in shaping policy, in delivering services and in relation to their own employees.

It also requires that public bodies have due regard to the need to:

  • eliminate discrimination
  • advance equality of opportunity
  • foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities

For more information on PSED please see GOV UK.

Privacy Notice

Please continue reading the Privacy Notice (ODT, 17.6 KB) to understand how GLD will process your personal data.

Areas of work

To ensure the panels can meet the needs of government there is a variety of work available - not just in public law. It is important that the panels contain counsel with various specialisms and counsel who are able to branch out into other areas of work if the need arises.

GLD encourages counsel to maintain both a public and private practice, this includes acting against government. It is beneficial to government if counsel have had experience of acting against government.

Although appointment to any panel cannot be a guarantee that work will be available, the intention is that each advocate appointed should be given at least a minimum amount of work.

Off panel work

The intention is that work should go to panel members but there are opportunities to do work ‘off panel’.

King’s Counsel (KC/silk)

GLD maintains a non-exhaustive list of King’s Counsel who have previously been instructed by departments or have expressed interest in receiving instructions. A nomination from the Law Officers is always required before a KC is instructed; a rate is always agreed in advance of a nomination being approved and usually ranges from between £180 - £250 per hour.

When seeking a nomination for a KC, the Attorney General will wish to be satisfied that the work cannot be done by A panel counsel. There is no requirement that any of the KCs put forward be on our list.

Being on our list of KCs does not guarantee any particular amount of work or indeed any work at all. However, being on the list does draw attention to a KC’s willingness to do government work.

Off panel juniors

A nomination is always required for an off panel junior. When off panel junior counsel are instructed they are paid at panel rates.

Junior juniors (formerly Baby barristers)

Junior juniors are very junior barristers who are within 4 years from end of pupillage and who are not yet panel members. They can assist on things like discovery exercises on large cases. They cannot do advocacy of any sort. A nomination from the Attorney General is not necessary.

The period of eligibility to undertake work has been extended from 2 years to 4 years from end of pupillage.

If you are interested in opportunities for Junior junior work, contact

For details of rates see our practical information page.

Standing counsel

Some departments appoint standing counsel. These are more senior advocates, akin to treasury counsel. As well as leading in some of the most difficult cases, their insight into the work of their department means they are also available as a source of expertise to panel counsel. In addition, they may provide training and strategic advice.


For more information on references see our practical information page.

Updates to this page

Published 1 November 2013
Last updated 3 March 2025 + show all updates
  1. Attorney General's Regional Civil Panel Counsel member details updated

  2. Attachment 'London C Panel' updated

  3. Application details added

  4. Information about the London ABC recruitment campaign 2025 added

  5. London A Panel and London B Panel information has been updated

  6. London C Panel updated

  7. Public International Law panel updated

  8. Regional Panel Counsel 2024 competition has closed, details about how to apply removed.

  9. Regional A, B and C panel lists updated. London A and C lists updated.

  10. Attachments for London B Panel and London C Panel updated.

  11. Information about the appointment of a new Junior Counsel to the Treasury in Charity Matters was added.

  12. Updated London B and Regional A, B and C Panel lists.

  13. Data for London A Panel and London C Panel have been updated

  14. Updated information added to Forthcoming Competitions section

  15. Documents 'Combined Flyer for all Regional Events 2024' and 'Regional Panel Recruitment events 2024' added to 'Forthcoming Competitions' section

  16. List of London ABC Panel new appointees for 2024 added to 'Appointments to the panel' subsection.

  17. Regional A, B and C and London B panel lists updated.

  18. Regional A Panel and Regional C Panel attachments updated.

  19. Regional A and Regional C panel lists updated.

  20. Regional A Panel and Regional C Panel documents updated

  21. London A Panel attachment has been updated with July 2024 information

  22. London B Panel attachment has been updated

  23. London B Panel and Regional C Panel attachments updated

  24. London C Panel attachment updated 12/06/24

  25. London C Panel and Regional C Panel attachments have been updated.

  26. Updated information about the Junior Counsel to the Treasury in Charity Matters competition.

  27. London C Panel List has been updated to 9 April 2024

  28. Junior Counsel to the Treasury in Charity Matters competition information added.

  29. London A, B and C panels updated

  30. London Panel recruitment event to be held on Tuesday 6 February

  31. Regional C Panel and London C Panel updated.

  32. 'Public International Law Panel A, B and C' document updated.

  33. Regional A Panel updated.

  34. London C Panel updated

  35. Public International Law Panel A, B and C updated

  36. Updated London A, B and C Panels.

  37. Documents added with updated information on London A Panel, London B Panel and London C Panel

  38. Regional B Panel updated

  39. Published a revised London C Panel list and the London ABC Panel new appointees (August 2023).

  40. Regional A Panel document updated

  41. London B and London C panel updated.

  42. Competition details updated.

  43. Updated Regional C Panel list

  44. London A and London B panel updated.

  45. London B Panel updated.

  46. Competition link updated, regional A and Public International Law list updated.

  47. London A Panel update.

  48. London B and C and Regional A, B and C membership lists updated.

  49. New members of the Attorney General Regional Civil Panel Counsel announced.

  50. Public International Law information updated

  51. Information evening updated

  52. Privacy Notice added

  53. The Attorney General's Regional Civil Panel Counsel A and London Panel Counsel C list has been updated.

  54. Information about the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) added.

  55. Competitions and competition guidance section updated

  56. Replaced the London B Panel list with an updated version for January 2023.

  57. Update on Regional A, B and C Panel competitions, results will be emailed to candidates in February 2023.

  58. London ABC new panel appointees list updated.

  59. Public International Law (PIL) Panel list updated to 25 October 2022.

  60. PIL Panel List updated to reflect change in membership

  61. London A list panel has been revised.

  62. London Panel A list of members updated

  63. Attorney General's Civil Panel Counsel London B and C membership of current counsel updated.

  64. Information about the information evenings removed as the dates have passed.

  65. Link to the GLD GOV.UK news story announcing that the competition to refresh the Attorney General's Regional Civil Panel Counsel is open. Regional B Panel list updated.

  66. London B Panel list updated

  67. The Public International Law Panel list updated

  68. London ABC Panel appointments document updated

  69. Added revised London Panel listings and the details of the new appointees to the London Panels. Added flyers for those who may apply in the next Regional panel competition.

  70. The new appointments to the London panels have been announced and the lists have been updated as appropriate. Flyers for information evenings for the Regional Panel Counsel in Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol and Leeds uploaded.

  71. Regional C Panel information updated

  72. Information updated regarding the next competition for the Attorney General's Regional A, B and C Panel Counsel. More details about the mentoring scheme provided.

  73. London C Panel list updated

  74. Public International Law document updated

  75. London C Panel list updated to include 3 August

  76. London C Panel list updated

  77. Updated London B Panel and London C Panel lists

  78. Updated London C Panel list

  79. Updated London B Panel list 17 May 2022

  80. Regional C Panel list updated.

  81. Updated London B Panel and London C Panel documents dated 25 April 2022

  82. London B Panel information updated.

  83. Updated information relating to the competitions.

  84. Updated documents: London A Panel, London B Panel, London C Panel, Regional A Panel

  85. London C Panel List updated March 2022

  86. Regional A Panel information updated.

  87. Addition of event details

  88. Updated London B Panel document 7 January

  89. Regional B panel list updated

  90. London B Panel updated

  91. Updated London C Panel list

  92. London A and C panel updated

  93. The London B and London C Panel lists have been updated.

  94. Updated London C Panel List

  95. London C panel updated

  96. Regional B panel list updated

  97. Updated the panel lists

  98. London C panel updated

  99. Updated London A,B and C panels.

  100. The London ABC Panel results posted.

  101. London B list updated

  102. Updated information on appointments to the panel.

  103. London C and Regional A lists updated

  104. Regional C Panel List updated.

  105. Rearranged London and Regional Panels

  106. Updated all panel links, added new paragraph 'forthcoming competitions'

  107. Regional A panel updated.

  108. London C Panel link updated

  109. London C and PIL Panels links updated

  110. Updated London C panel

  111. Updated regional c panel list

  112. The London C Panel list has been updated.

  113. Updated London and Regional B panels.

  114. Regional C panel updated.

  115. Updated regional C panel.

  116. Regional ABC Panel new appointees announced.

  117. Updated London A and B and regional A panels.

  118. Updated London B and C panel documents.

  119. Edited forthcoming competitions - there will be a virtual recruitment seminar on 9th of March

  120. Updated regional panels

  121. Revised PIL Panel list.

  122. Updated forthcoming competitions.

  123. Updated London B panel

  124. Updated London A panel

  125. London B Panel updated.

  126. London C Panel updated.

  127. PIL panel list updated.

  128. London B and C panel lists replaced.

  129. New PIL Panel document

  130. Made minor text amendments.

  131. Attachment 'Regional C Panel' updated.

  132. Updated London C Panel list and revised PIL month to October.

  133. Updated London A, B and C Panel lists.

  134. Information on the forthcoming competitions has been updated.

  135. Updated the attachment "London ABC Panel new appointees"

  136. New London ABC Panel and Regional B Panel lists published.

  137. London ABC Panel new appointees have been announced.

  138. Regicnal C Panel listing was updated.

  139. Edited wording - Public International Law (PIL) competition results to be emailed to candidates in September.

  140. London C Panel and Regional A Panel updated.

  141. Updated London C Panel list

  142. Updated London B Panel

  143. Updated London C Panel document 1 May

  144. Updated to reflect the fact that panel competitions have now closed.

  145. Updated London C Panel 24 March

  146. Updated London A Panel document

  147. Updated London C and Regional A panels

  148. Update London A and C panels, and PIL panel.

  149. Updated London C Panel

  150. Updated Regional A, B, and C Panels.

  151. London C Panel has been updated.

  152. Added links to news stories about new panel competitions

  153. Updated with list of new Regional Panel Appointees.

  154. Updated with details of forthcoming competitions

  155. Uploaded updated version of London C panel attachment.

  156. Revised lists for London A & C Panel and Regional C Panel have been published.

  157. New doc added

  158. Added new doc

  159. Need to replace London C panel

  160. New doc added

  161. Correcting doc

  162. Further competition details added

  163. Updated panel document

  164. New docs added

  165. new attachments

  166. Regional panel A attachment updated

  167. updated the London panels ABC attachment

  168. London ABC panel document added and text amended

  169. updated London Panel C file from 6 June version to 17 June version

  170. A revised London panel A, B and C list published, as well as a revised Regional Panel B list published.

  171. Updated lists for Regional A and B panels published.

  172. London B panel list has been updated

  173. London B Panel list published

  174. Updates on forthcoming competitions

  175. We have published a revised list of Regional A Panel.

  176. New Panel lists published

  177. New date for the next London A, B and C Panel competitions announced.

  178. Appointments to the panel - update

  179. London A Panel & C Panel listings revised and replaced as of 20 December.

  180. Amended to reflect the closing of the London C Panel competition as well as updated London panels as of 27 November 2018.

  181. Replaced the London A Panel web listing as of 29 October 2018.

  182. We have updated the Regional B Panel to reflect a Panel member's move of chambers

  183. Added that the London C Panel opened on Tuesday 25 September 2018. The next London A and B Panel competition, along with a further London C Panel competition, will open in late February 2019.

  184. Published information about the next London C Panel competition opening on 25 September 2018.

  185. Replaced the Regional A Panel list to reflect changes as of 1 August 2018

  186. Replaced appointments to the London A and B Panels. The changes to both lists are a result of Counsel moving Chambers.

  187. Added results of London A and B Panel competitions.

  188. Updated the Regional A & B listings.

  189. Updating information about panels to reflect new A, B and C listing.

  190. Changes to the page to represent the reorganisation of the Regional Panel.

  191. Page has been change to reflect that the London A and B Panel competitions are now closed, and that the period of eligibility for Junior juniors to undertake work has been extended from 2 years to 4 years from the end of pupillage.

  192. Updated the London C Panel document.

  193. Updated the London C Panel.

  194. Updated A, B, C, Regional & PIL Panels.

  195. Updated the 'forthcoming competitions' with details of the London A and B competitions.

  196. Updated the C Panel and Regional web listing on the website.

  197. Published a document detailing the 25 new appointments to the London C Panel.

  198. One of the London B and Regional Panel members have moved Chambers so the listings have been revised.

  199. Updated the Regional panel. Accurate as of 9 January 2017.

  200. Updated the C panel list. Correct as of 8 January 2018.

  201. Updated London C Panel listing. Accurate as of 15 December 2017.

  202. Changes reflecting the end of the Regional Panel application period.

  203. Updated Regional Panel list.

  204. The London C Panel competition is now closed.

  205. Changes to reflect the opening of the Regional Panel competition on Tuesday 24 October.

  206. Updates on Panel competitions.

  207. Updated the B Panel list.

  208. New appointments to A and B panels published.

  209. Updated the Public International Law (PIL) Panel list.

  210. Updated the B and C Panel lists

  211. Updated the C Panel list and Regional panel list

  212. Updated Regional Panel attachement

  213. Updated the copy under 'Forthcoming Competitions' to say the A and B panel competitions have now closed.

  214. Updated the Regional Panel and B Panel list attachments.

  215. The Regional Panel members and PIL panel lists have been updated.

  216. Updates to all panel lists

  217. Updated Panel B and Panel C lists. Announcement of new Panel C members.

  218. Updated PIL list

  219. Panel C list updated

  220. update

  221. Update to text

  222. update to panel c

  223. updates to panel counsel recruitment

  224. Updates to panel counsel lists

  225. Latest C panel list published

  226. List of new appointees

  227. update to Junior junior

  228. Update of the term 'Baby barristers' to 'Junior juniors'

  229. Update to lists A,B,C and regional

  230. Updated Panel A, B and regional lists.

  231. Panel C list updated

  232. Updated list

  233. Dates for appointments.

  234. Panel list updated

  235. List updated

  236. C Panel list updated.

  237. Updated panel counsel lists.

  238. New competition announced.

  239. Updated lists for February 2016.

  240. Competition details updated.

  241. Regional Panel Counsel information for December 2015 added.

  242. Contact details for baby barristers scheme updated.

  243. Update to Panel C list.

  244. New C Panel Counsel list updated for November 2015.

  245. Competition closed. List of Regional Panel appointees published following the 2015 competition.

  246. New regional panel information added.

  247. Panel B list updated.

  248. Competition details updated.

  249. Competition details updated.

  250. Attachments updated

  251. Update to Panel C list.

  252. Panel Counsel lists updated.

  253. Attachment updated.

  254. Update to Panel Counsel lists.

  255. New competition announced.

  256. The Regional Panel Competition 2015 closed at 12pm on 31 July.

  257. Panel A list updated.

  258. Update to Panel Counsel file.

  259. New Regional Panel Counsel document.

  260. New competition announced.

  261. Upcoming competition announced.

  262. Attachment updated.

  263. Attachments updated.

  264. New panel C list added for May 2015.

  265. The 2015 london A & B Panel competition is closed.

  266. Updated Panel Counsel lists.

  267. The Attorney General is seeking to appoint new members to one of his panels of junior counsel in London, the A and B panels.

  268. Updated Regional Panel November 2014

  269. Latest information available.

  270. Updated panel list available.

  271. Updated panel lists now available

  272. Updated membership lists

  273. Updated to include information regarding the 2013 competition

  274. Regional panel list updated

  275. Latest list available

  276. B panel list update

  277. First published.

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