Bottled drinking water: rules for local authorities
Rules for local authorities to follow when registering a premises to produce bottled drinking water, or carrying out ongoing checks.
Applies to England
This guide is for local authorities in England who need to register a producer’s premises in their area to produce bottled drinking water.
If you’re a producer, you can check guidance on how to produce and label bottled drinking water.
For local authorities in:
- Wales or Northern Ireland, you should read separate Food Standards Agency guidance.
- Scotland, contact Food Standards Scotland
What counts as bottled drinking water
Bottled drinking water is any bottled water that’s not labelled or sold as:
- natural mineral water
- spring water
It’s also sometimes known as table water.
Producers can bottle this water from any source, including public and private water sources, as long as:
- their water meets the rules in this guide
- they do not mislead consumers about its origin
They can sell it directly to consumers in bottles as well as other containers, such as:
- tetra packs and cartons
- water coolers
- pouches
They do not need to state the composition of the water on the label.
They’re allowed to use any treatment, and do not need to list treatments on their labelling.
Check the different types of bottled water if you’re not sure which type you’re dealing with.
You can also check what types of water are exempt from the rules.
Steps to register a producer’s premises for bottled drinking water
Producers may want to register a premises that sits in your local authority area to produce and market bottled drinking water.
Follow these steps to register the premises for bottled drinking water.
Make sure the producer has gathered the evidence to prove the water is safe and meets standards.
Make sure the producer knows the rules for labelling.
When you’re satisfied the producer meets the rules, register the producer’s business as a food establishment for bottled drinking water.
If you need to refuse, you should put this in writing to the producer.
After registration, you’ll need to:
- carry out a series of ongoing checks on the water
- check the producer is complying with the rules
Evidence the producer must gather
The producer must test the water and make sure it complies with limits for chemical, pesticide, microbiological, and radioactive substances.
As a local authority, for initial checks, you do not need to collect samples of the water. You can rely on the laboratory reports that the producer sends to you.
But make sure that the producer has used a UKAS accredited laboratory that uses recognised scientific methods for testing bottled water.
For ongoing tests after registration, you’ll need to carry out your own checks.
Chemicals limits
The producer must test their water to make sure it complies with the following limits and send the results to you in a report.
Chemical | Maximum limit | Details |
Antimony | 5 micrograms per litre | |
Arsenic | 10 micrograms per litre | |
Benzene | 1 microgram per litre | |
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.01 micrograms per litre | |
Boron | 1 milligram per litre | |
Bromate (Br03L) | 10 micrograms per litre | |
Cadmium | 5 micrograms per litre | |
Chromium | 50 micrograms per litre | |
Cadmium | 5 micrograms per litre | |
Copper | 2 milligrams per litre | |
Cyanide (CN) | 50 micrograms per litre | |
1,2-dichloroethane | 3 micrograms per litre | |
Fluoride | 1.5 milligrams per litre | |
Lead | 10 micrograms per litre | |
Mercury | 1 microgram per litre | |
Nickel | 20 micrograms per litre | |
Nitrate (NO3) | 50 milligrams per litre | You also need to divide concentration of nitrate in milligrams per litre by 50. Add this to the concentration of nitrite in milligrams per litre. Divide it by 3 - it must not be more than 1. |
Nitrite (NO2) | 0.5 milligrams per litre | You also need to divide concentration of nitrate in milligrams per litre by 50. Add this to the concentration of nitrite in milllgrams per litre. Divide it by 3 - it must not be more than 1. |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons | 0.1 micrograms per litre | This means the total of all individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found and measured during your testing should not be more than 0.10 micrograms per litre |
Selenium | 10 micrograms per litre | |
Tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene | 10 micrograms per litre | This means the total of tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene combined should not be more than 10 micrograms per litre |
Trichloromethanes | 100 micrograms per litre | This means the total of all individual trichloromethanes should not be more than 100 micrograms per litre |
Chemical limits: special conditions for acrylamide, epichlorohydrin and vinyl chloride
The water must not contain more than the maximum limits for these chemicals.
Chemical | Maximum limit |
Acrylamide | 0.10 micrograms per litre |
Epichlorohydrin | 0.10 micrograms per litre |
Vinyl chloride | 0.50 micrograms per litre |
If there’s any risk of the water exceeding these limits, you must check that the producer has sampled and tested the water. However, they do not need to analyse a sample of the water if you’re both satisfied that:
- the equipment in contact with the bottled drinking water is certified not to leak acrylamide, epichlorohydrin and vinyl chloride into the water
- they’ve not used any flocculants containing these 3 chemicals
The producer can demonstrate to you that any material used to come into contact with the water does not leak these chemicals into the water, by providing either a manufacturer’s:
- relevant certificate of conformity
- declaration of conformity
- declaration of performance
Pesticide limits
The producer must test their water to make sure it complies with the following limits and send the results to you in a report.
Pesticide | Maximum limit | Details |
Aldrin | 0.030 micrograms per litre | |
Dieldrin | 0.030 micrograms per litre | |
Heptachlor | 0.030 micrograms per litre | |
Heptachlor epoxide | 0.030 micrograms per litre | |
Other individual pesticides | 0.10 micrograms per litre | You only need to test for pesticides that are likely to be present in the water. (The maximum of 0.10 micrograms per litre applies to each individual pesticide you test for.) |
Total pesticides | 0.50 micrograms per litre | Total of all individual pesticides you find should not equal more than 0.50 micrograms per litre |
Microbiological limits
The water must be free of parasites and bacteria that cause disease.
The producer must test their water to make sure it complies with the following limits and send the results to you in a report.
For initial testing, the producer must have taken samples within the first 12 hours after bottling - keeping the water at between -1°C and 4°C before they send it to the laboratory.
Bacteria | Maximum limit |
Escherichia coli | 0 per 250ml |
Enterococci | 0 per 250ml |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 0 per 250ml |
Faecal streptococci | 0 per 250ml |
Sporulated sulphite-reducing anaerobes | 0 per 50ml |
Total viable colony count (TVC) after 72 hours at 22ºC | 100 per ml |
TVC after 24 hours at 37ºC | 20 per ml |
Radioactive limits
The producer must test the water to make sure it complies with the following limits.
For the initial testing, the producer should take samples at the point they bottle.
Test for | Maximum limit |
Radon | 100 becquerels per litre |
Tritium | 100 becquerels per litre |
Indicative dose | 0.1 millisievert |
Rules for bottling or using containers
The producer must:
- meet hygiene requirements when they bottle the water
- bottle in containers with lids, to avoid tampering or contamination
- use containers that are made to food-grade standards to avoid adverse effects on the microbiological and chemical characteristics of the water
If the water becomes polluted at any stage, the producer must stop bottling until they’ve removed the cause of the pollution.
Rules for labelling
Before you register the premises, check the producer understands the rules for labelling in this section.
After registration, you’ll need to check their labels to make sure they’ve complied with the rules.
What must be on the labelling
Producers must put one of the following terms on their labelling:
- ‘water’
- ‘drinking water’
They must not use any of these terms:
- natural mineral water
- mineral water
- spring water
If the producer is making carbonated or sparkling bottled drinking water, they can use either of these terms:
- ‘carbonated water’
- ‘sparkling water’
They must not mislead consumers about the origin of the water. For example, they must not call it:
- ‘Somerset Hills water’ when the water comes from Devon
- ‘Welsh Mountain Water’ when they’re collecting the water from a reservoir
They also must not suggest the water has compositional, nutritional or health properties it does not possess.
The producer can give their water a brand name. Again they must not mislead consumers about their water’s origin when they use branding.
Ongoing checks
After you’ve registered a premises to produce bottled drinking water, you must continue to monitor the water for the following:
Unlike initial tests, you must take samples yourself and get a laboratory to check them.
When you test the water, take samples at the point the water is bottled.
Ongoing checks: chemical limits
Check the water for chemical limits at least once a year.
Your testing must give a representative picture of the safety and quality of the water.
So if you decide to analyse samples exactly once a year, take samples approximately the same time each year, rather than different months.
If you choose to test more often than once a year, take samples that are spread out evenly throughout the year. For example, take approximately every 3 months or 6 months
When the water is tested, it should not exceed the limits set out in this table.
Chemical | Maximum limit | Further details |
Acrylamide | 0.1 micrograms per litre | - |
Antimony | 5 micrograms per litre | - |
Arsenic | 10 micrograms per litre | - |
Benzene | 1 microgram per litre | - |
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.01 micrograms per litre | - |
Boron | 1 milligram per litre | - |
Bromate | 10 micrograms per litre | - |
Cadmium | 5 micrograms per litre | - |
Chromium | 50 micrograms per litre | - |
Copper | 2 micrograms per litre | - |
Cyanide | 50 micrograms per litre | - |
1,2-dichloroethane | 3 micrograms per litre | - |
Epichlorohydrin | 0.1 micrograms per litre | - |
Fluoride | 1.5 milligrams per litre | - |
Lead | 10 micrograms per litre | - |
Mercury | 1 microgram per litre | - |
Nickel | 20 micrograms per litre | - |
Nitrate | 50 milligrams per litre | You also need to divide concentration of nitrate in milligrams per litre by 50. Add this to the concentration of nitrite in milligrams per litre. Divide it by 3 - it must not be more than 1. |
Nitrite | 0.5 milligrams per litre | You also need to divide concentration of nitrate in milligrams per litre by 50. Add this to the concentration of nitrite in milligrams per litre. Divide it by 3 - it must not be more than 1. |
Pesticides - aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide (each individual substance) | 0.03 micrograms per litre | The limit of 0.03 micrograms per litre applies to each of these individual pesticides. |
Pesticides - any other individual pesticide | 0.1 micrograms per litre | You only need to test for pesticides that are likely to be present in the water. The limit of 0.1 micrograms per litre applies to each individual pesticide. |
Total pesticides | 0.5 micrograms per litre | The limit of 0.5 micrograms per litre applies to all individual pesticides added together. |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (total substances) | 0.1 micrograms per litre | This means the total of all individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found and measured during your testing should not be more than 0.1 micrograms per litre. |
Selenium | 10 micrograms per litre | - |
Tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene | 10 micrograms per litre | This means the total of tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene combined should not be more than 10 micrograms per litre. |
Trichloromethanes | 100 micrograms per litre | This means the total of all individual trichloromethanes combined should not be more than 100 micrograms per litre. |
Vinyl chloride | 0.5 micrograms per litre | - |
Your laboratory can use any method of analysis. However, they must make sure they choose one that has an ‘uncertainty of measurement’ percentage that’s equal to or less than the percentages set out in the following table.
Chemical | Uncertainty of measurement percentage | Further details |
Antimony | 40% | - |
Arsenic | 30% | - |
Benzene | 40% | - |
Benzo(a)pyrene | 50% | If there’s no method of analysis for benzo(a)pyrene with an uncertainty of measurement of 50% or below, then use the best available method of analysis with an uncertainty of measurement of 60% or below. |
Boron | 25% | - |
Bromate | 40% | - |
Cadmium | 25% | - |
Chromium | 30% | - |
Copper | 25% | - |
Cyanide | 30% | The method of analysis must show the total cyanide in all forms. |
1,2-dichloroethane | 40% | - |
Fluoride | 20% | - |
Lead | 25% | - |
Mercury | 30% | - |
Nickel | 25% | - |
Nitrate | 15% | - |
Nitrite | 20% | |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (each individual substance) | 25% | - |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (total substances) | 50% | - |
Selenium | 40% | - |
Tetrachloroethenes (each individual substance) | 50% | - |
Tetrachloroethenes (total substances) | 30% | - |
Trichloroethenes (each individual substance) | 50% | - |
Trichloroethenes (total substances) | 40% | - |
Trihalomethanes (each individual substance) | 25% | - |
Trihalomethanes (total substances) | 40% | - |
Ask your laboratory to also take into account:
- minimum performance characteristics
- minimum performance characteristics: individual pesticides
- alternative minimum performance characteristics
Ongoing checks: microbiological limits
Check the water for microbiological limits at least once a year.
Your testing must give a representative picture of the safety and quality of the water.
So if you decide to analyse samples once a year, take samples at approximately the same time every year, rather than different months.
If you choose to analyse samples more often than once a year, take samples that are spread out regularly throughout the year. For example, take samples approximately every 3 months or 6 months.
When you test, check that the water does not exceed any of the following limits.
Bacteria | Maximum limit | Method of analysis your laboratory must use |
Escherichia coli | 0 per 250ml | BS EN ISO 9308-1:2014-1:2017 |
Enterococci | 0 per 250ml | BS EN ISO 7899-2:2000, BS 6068-4.4:2000 |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 0 per 250ml | BS EN ISO 16266:2008 |
Faecal streptococci | 0 per 250ml | Not specified |
Sporulated sulphite-reducing anaerobes | 0 per 50ml | Not specified |
Total viable colony count (TVC) after 72 hours at 22ºC | 100 per ml | BS EN ISO 6222: 1999, BS 6068-4.5:1999 |
TVC after 24 hours at 37ºC | 20 per ml | BS EN ISO 6222: 1999, BS 6068-4.5:1999 |
Ongoing checks: indicators
You must monitor each of the indicators in the following table at least once a year.
Your testing must give a representative picture of the safety and quality of the water.
So if you decide to analyse samples exactly once a year, take samples at the same time each year, rather than different months.
If you choose to test more often than once a year, take samples that are spread out evenly throughout the year. For example, take approximately every 3 months or 6 months
If you find that any exceed the maximum limits, you need to investigate why and decide if the indicator poses a risk to human health.
Indicator | Maximum limit | Further details |
Aluminium | 200 micrograms per litre | - |
Ammonium | 0.50 milligrams per litre | - |
Chloride | 250 milligrams per litre | The water must not be ‘aggressive’ (actively trying to take on minerals and metals). |
Clostridium perfringens and spores of Clostridium perfringens | 0 in 100ml | You only need to check for this if the water comes from surface water, or is influenced by it. Use method of analysis BS EN ISO 14189:2016. |
Colour | - | Colour must be acceptable to consumers, with no abnormal changes. |
Conductivity | 2,500 microsiemens per cm-1 at 20°C | The water must not be aggressive. |
Hydrogen ion concentration | 9.5 pH units | The pH of the water must not be lower than 4.5. The water must not be aggressive. |
Iron | 200 micrograms per litre | - |
Manganese | 50 micrograms per litre | - |
Odour | - | Odour must be acceptable to consumers, with no abnormal changes. |
Oxidisability | 5 milligrams per litre | This does not need to be checked if you’ve analysed total organic carbon. |
Sulphate | 250 milligrams per litre | The water must not be aggressive. |
Sodium | 200 milligrams per litre | - |
Taste | - | Taste must be acceptable to consumers, with no abnormal changes. |
Colony Count 22° C | - | No abnormal changes. |
Coliform bacteria | 0 in 250ml | Use method of analysis BS EN ISO 9308-1:2014-1:2017 or BS EN ISO 9308-2:2014 |
Total organic carbon | No abnormal change. This does not need not be checked for water supplies of less than 10,000m3 a day. | |
Turbidity | - | Turbidity must be acceptable to consumers, with no abnormal changes. |
Make sure the laboratory chooses methods of analysis that have an ‘uncertainty of measurement’ percentage equal to or lower than the percentages set out in the following table.
Indicator | Uncertainty of measurement percentage | Further details |
Aluminium | 25% | - |
Ammonium | 40% | |
Chloride | 15% | |
Conductivity | 20% | |
Iron | 30% | |
Manganese | 30% | |
Oxidisability | 50% | |
Sodium | 15% | |
Sulphate | 15% | |
Total organic carbon | 30% | The uncertainty of measurement must be estimated at the level of 3 milligrams per litre of the total organic carbon. You must use BS EN 1484: 1997 titled ‘Water analysis - guidelines for the determination of total organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon’ (ISBN 0 580 28372 0) published on 15 October 1997. |
Turbidity | 30% | The uncertainty of measurement must be estimated at the level of 1 nephelometric turbidity unit in line with BS EN ISO 7027-1:2016 titled ‘Water quality — determination of turbidity. Part 1: Quantitative methods (ISO 7027-1: 2016)’ (ISBN 978 0 580 81961 2) published on 31 July 2016. |
If there’s any other indicators you want to use but they’re not listed, sample and analyse the water for them. You must take into account the rules for any individual indicator on:
- methods of analysis
- minimum performance characteristics
- alternative minimum performance characteristics
Ongoing checks: radioactive substances
For radioactive substances, you must check:
Radon levels
Calculate the likely levels of radon in the water by looking at representative surveys.
You’ll need to consider underlying information which shows the likely exposure to radon, including :
- the geology and hydrology of the area
- the radioactivity of the rock types and soil types within your local authority area
- types of wells in varying locations in your local authority area
- other reliable information, for example, water authority monitoring and surveys
Once you have a likely radon level, check this table to find out what you need to do next.
Likely level of radon | Action needed |
Less than 100 becquerels per litre and this is not likely to change for at least 5 years | You do not need to monitor radon regularly but you can do so if you wish. If you choose not to monitor, you must apply to Defra for a monitoring exemption. |
Less than 100 becquerels but this is likely to change during the next 5 years | You must monitor radon levels regularly - use the volume table to work out how many samples a year you need to take. When you get the results from your volume table samples, check the actions needed. |
More than 100 becquerels per litre | You must monitor radon levels regularly - use the volume table to work out how many samples a year you need to take. When you get the results from your volume table samples, check the actions needed. |
Radon: if you need to monitor regularly (using the volume table)
Use this table to understand what you need to do with the results from your regular monitoring.
Radon levels from your regular monitoring | Action |
Results are consistently below 100 becquerels per litre and no perceived risk to public health | You can reduce your monitoring. It’s for you to assess the risk yourself to decide how often you should test. |
Between 101 -1000 becquerels per litre on any single test (sample X) | Disregard sample X. This is because it may be a one-off. Take another sample immediately (sample Y). Then take further samples to get an average of the activity concentration of radon in the water over a 12 month period. The law does not set out how often or how many samples to get a 12 month average but you can use: - samples taken before sample X - sample Y - other samples after sample Y If the average level across your 12 month period is more than 100 becquerels per litre then you must take remedial action. If the average level is less than 100 becquerels, then you do not need to take additional action. Continue to monitor using the volume table frequencies. |
Over 1000 becquerels per litre | You must take remedial action immediately |
Tritium levels
Calculate the likely levels of tritium in the water by looking at representative surveys. You’ll need to consider:
- monitoring data and other reliable information, for example, from a water authority
- likely exposure to man-made sources of tritium or other artificial radionuclides (chemical substances that exhibit radioactivity) that are present within the catchment area
Once you have a likely tritium level, check this table to find out what you need to do next.
Levels of tritium in the water | Action needed |
Less than 100 becquerels per litre and this is not likely to change for at least 5 years | You do not need to monitor tritium regularly but you can continue to do so if you wish. If you choose not to monitor, you must apply for a monitoring exemption. |
Less than 100 becquerels but this is likely to change during the next 5 years | You must monitor the tritium levels using the volume table to work out how many samples a year you need to take. When you get the results from your volume table samples, check the actions needed. |
More than 100 becquerels per litre | You must monitor the tritium levels using the volume table to work out how many samples a year you need to take. When you get the results from your volume table samples, check the actions needed. |
Tritium: if you need to monitor regularly using the volume table
Use this table to understand what you need to do with the results from your regular monitoring.
Tritium levels from your regular monitoring | Action needed |
Consistently below 100 becquerels per litre and no risk to public health | You can reduce your monitoring. You should assess the risk yourself to decide how often you need to test. |
If any given sample exceeds 101 becquerels per litre on any single test (sample X) | Disregard sample X. This is because it may be a one-off. Take another sample immediately (sample Y). Then take further samples to get an average of the activity concentration of tritium in the water over a 12 month period. The law does not set out how often or how many samples to get a 12 month average but you can use: - samples taken before sample X - sample Y - other samples after sample Y If the average across the 12 months is more than 100 becquerels per litre then you must take remedial action. If the average level is less than 100 becquerels per litre, then you do not need to take additional action. Continue to monitor using the volume table frequencies. You must also now find out the indicative dose by asking your laboratory to: - work out both the gross alpha and gross beta activity of the water in sample Y - (follow the actions needed when you get these results) - test for the activity concentration for other radionuclides in any of your samples (check the actions needed when you get these results) |
Indicative dose
The indicative dose shows the levels of radioactive substances a person would consume if they drank a particular supply of water over one year.
The indicate dose includes all radioactive substances present in the water, apart from:
- potassium-40
- radon
- tritium
- short-lived radon decay products
Calculate the likely level of indicative dose in the producer’s water by looking at representative surveys in your local authority area. You’ll need to consider:
- the geology and hydrology
- the radioactivity of the rock types and soil types
- different types of groundwater
- types of wells in varying locations
- other reliable information, for example, water authority monitoring and surveys
- presence of artificial sources of tritium and other radionuclides
When you’ve got your likely level, check it in this table to find out what you need to do next.
Likely level of indicative dose in the water | Action needed |
Less than 0.1 millisievert and this is not likely to change for at least 5 years | You do not need to regularly monitor for indicative dose but you can continue to do so if you wish. If you choose not to monitor, you must apply for a monitoring exemption. |
More than 0.1 millisievert | You must continue to monitor the indicative dose levels by carrying out all the following: - choose a screening strategy - use the volume table to work out how many samples a year you need to take - check the results for each sample you take and follow the actions needed |
Choose a screening strategy for indicative dose
Take into account all the relevant information available to you and the likely sources of radioactivity in your area that may affect the water.
Then ask your laboratory to use any one of the following screening strategies to establish the indicative dose when you sample the water:
- gross alpha activity
- gross beta activity
- activity concentration for a single radionuclide
- activity concentration for more than one radionuclides
It is for you to decide which one you use.
When you’ve got the results, check what you need to do depending on if you used:
What to do with your results from gross alpha activity or gross beta activity
Results | Action needed |
0.1 or below becquerels per litre and other sources of information indicate that there are no specific radionuclides present in the water to make the indicative dose exceed 0.1 millisievert | You can assume that the indicative dose for the water does not exceed 0.1 millisieverts and you can just continue to monitor using the volume table frequency. |
Above 0.1 becquerels per litre | Take a new sample (sample Y) and calculate the ‘indicative dose determination’ of this sample. When you’ve got the result, follow the actions needed in the indication dose determination results table. |
What to do with your results from the activity concentration for a single radionuclide or multiple radionuclides
Results | Action |
Activity concentration of any radionuclides does not exceed 20% of its derived concentration | You can assume that the indicative dose for the water does not exceed 0.1 millisievert and you can continue monitoring using the volume table frequencies |
Activity concentration of any radionuclide in exceeds 20% of its derived concentration | Take a new sample (sample Y) and calculate the ‘indicative dose determination’ of this sample. When you’ve got the result, follow the actions needed in the indication dose determination results table. |
How to calculate the indicative dose determination
Follow these steps to work out the indicative dose determination for the water.
- From your own records, make a note of the observed activity concentration of tritium and each radionuclide present in your bottled drinking water in becquerels per litre. This is known as the ‘ci(obs)’.
- Find the derived activity concentration in the table for tritium and each radionuclide present in your bottled drinking water in becquerels per litre. This is known as the ‘ci(der)’.
- For each individual radionuclide, divide the ci(obs) by the ci(der). This is also shown in the formula here.

4. When you have a divided value for each radionuclide, add them all together. This will give you the indicative dose determination.
5. Check your result in the indicative dose determination table to find out what action is needed.
Find the derived activity concentration for radionuclides
Origin | Radionuclide | Derived concentration in becquerels per litre |
Natural | U-238 | 3.0 |
Natural | U-234 | 2.8 |
Natural | Ra-226 | 0.5 |
Natural | Ra-228 | 0.2 |
Natural | Pb-210 | 0.2 |
Natural | Po-210 | 0.1 |
Artificial | C-14 | 240 |
Artificial | Sr-90 | 4.9 |
Artificial | Pu-239/Pu-240 | 0.6 |
Artificial | Am-241 | 0.7 |
Artificial | Co-60 | 40 |
Artificial | Cs-134 | 7.2 |
Artificial | Cs-137 | 11 |
Artificial | I-131 | 6.2 |
If you cannot find any of your radionuclides in this table, you’ll need to follow these steps.
Go to ICRP Publication 119 entitled “Compendium of Dose Coefficients based on ICRP Publication 60”.
Find Annex F which contains a table labelled ‘Effective dose coefficients for ingestion of radionuclides for members of the public’.
Go to the last column of this table labelled ‘adult’. Find the dose coefficient for each radionuclide you need.
This dose coefficient is shown in sieverts so you’ll need to convert this to millisieverts (multiply the sievert number by 1000).
You should now have a ICRP dose coeffecient in millisieverts for each radionuclide.
Multiply the millisievert number for each radionuclide you’ve found here by 730.
Divide 0.1 by the multiplied number you got in step 6 for each radionuclide. This is also shown in this formula.

8. Go back to step 3 of working out the indicative dose determination and follow the steps from there.
The vanadium 47 dose coefficient for an adult listed in the last column of the table in Annex F is 6.3E-11 Sv/Bq.
Convert this to millisieverts and you’ll get 0.000000063.
Multiply 0.000000063 x 730 to get a total.
Divide 0.1 divided by your total in step 3.
You should get 2174.4 becquerels per litre.
Check what to do with the results of the indicative dose determination
Results | Action needed |
If indicative dose determination is 1 or below | You can assume that the indicative dose for the water does not exceed 0.1 millisieverts and you can continue to monitor using the volume table frequencies. |
If indicative dose determination is above 1 | Take an extra sample immediately. Disregard Sample Y. Continue checking the indicative dose determination for the water for the next 12 months. The law does set out how often but you’ll need to get an average over a 12 month period. If your average indicative dose determination is 1 or below, no further action is needed. If your average indicative dose determination is above 1, you must take remedial action. |
When you can reduce your monitoring of indicative dose
You can reduce the monitoring of indicative dose for the water if all the following apply:
- you’re satisfied that only naturally occurring radionuclides are present in the water
- your last indicative dose determination result that’s 1 or below
- you’re satisfied that reducing monitoring will not increase any risk to human health
If you reduce monitoring, but a change takes place that you believe is likely to influence the concentration of radionuclides in the water, you must choose a screening strategy.
Depending on the results of your screening strategy, you can either:
- carry on with reduced monitoring
- resume monitoring using the volume table to work out how many samples a year you need to take
Volume table
Average volume of spring water and bottled drinking water bottled each day within your local authority area | Number of samples you must take per year |
1,000 or less m3 | 1 |
1,001 - 3,300 m3 | 2 |
3,301 - 6,600 m3 | 3 |
6,601 – 9,900 m3 | 4 |
9,901 - 20,000 m3 | 5 |
20,001 - 30,000 m3 | 6 |
30,001 - 40,000 m3 | 7 |
40,001 - 50,000 m3 | 8 |
50,001 - 60,000 m3 | 9 |
60,001 - 70,000 m3 | 10 |
70,001 - 80,000 m3 | 11 |
80,001 - 90,000 m3 | 12 |
90,001 - 175,000m3 | 13 |
175,001 - 200,000m3 | 14 |
200,001 - 225,000m3 | 15 |
250,001 - 275,000m3 | 16 |
Remedial action for radon, tritium and indicative dose
You must:
- identify the cause
- decide whether the levels pose a risk to human health that needs action
- get the bottled water producer to take action to restore the quality of the water if you think this is needed to protect human health
- notify the general public of the risks and remedial action taken
- advise the general public on any extra precautionary measures that may be needed to protect human health in terms of radioactive substances
How to get a monitoring exemption for radon, tritium or indicative dose
You must apply to Defra by email to for a monitoring exemption. You must apply within 3 months of deciding to not monitor.
Your application for an exemption must list all spring water and bottled drinking water sources in the area you’ve been monitoring.
Your exemption will lapse either:
- after 5 years
- at any time the levels exceed or you have reason to believe they exceed 100 becquerels per litre
Ongoing checks: other limits
You may believe or suspect that any of the following may be present in the water but have not been listed in this guide:
- properties
- elements
- substances
- organisms
If this is the case, you must take and analyse samples of the water on a case by case basis to check if any of these pose a risk to human health.
Tasks a local authority can delegate
A local authority can delegate the job of taking and analysing water samples to a company or other third party:
- as a one-off
- occasionally
- for a specific period of time
If you’re going to delegate testing to another party, you must follow certain rules.
You must explain to them:
- how to take samples and how often
- method of analysis that must be used, including any minimum performance characteristics that apply to any methods of analysis
- how to calculate the limits detected
- the uncertainty of measurement percentages needed
- validation and documenting of the methods of analysis used
- use of quality management practices
You must also make sure that the third party knows to tell you immediately if any limits have been exceeded during testing.
If limits have not been exceeded, they should give you the results within 28 days of getting them.