Building Safety Programme: letters
Letters from the Building Safety Programme, established to make sure that residents of high-rise buildings are safe and feel safe, now and in the future.
- Letter 36 - to building control bodies on the retraction of three tests carried out on Kingspan K15 insulation - 10 March 2021
- Letter 35 - to local planning authorities on amendments to the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) - 30 December 2020
- Letter 34 - draws attention to the publication of revised Building Regulations and Fire Safety Procedural Guidance - 15 July 2020
- Letter 33 - draws attention to amendments to Approved Document B (fire safety) 2019 edition, volume 1: Dwellings & volume 2: buildings other than dwellings - 26 May 2020
- Letter 32 - explains the impact of a High Court judgement on the ban on combustible materials in and on the external walls of high-rise buildings and reminds building control bodies of their responsibilities - 11 December 2019
- Letter 31 - to building control bodies announcing the new clarified Approved Document B 2019 edition - 5 July 2019
- Letter 30 - to building control bodies regarding the application of requirement B4 of the Building Regulations 2010 - 1 July 2019
- Letter 29 - Remediation of private sector residential buildings with unsafe ACM cladding: ministerial direction - 9 May 2019
- Letter 28 - response to Steve Reed MP and others on delivering building safety through the announced ban on combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings - 7 November 2018
- Letter 27 - to Sovereign Group Ltd confirming the test results of two FD30s and two solid FD30 composite fire doors - 4 October 2018
- Letter 26 - to Britdoors By System’ confirming the test results of two solid FD30s and two glazed FD30 composite fire doors - 4 October 2018
- Letter 25 - to Vista Panels confirming the test results of two solid FD30 composite fire doors - 4 October 2018
- Letter 24 - to local authorities about issues arising from assessments of external wall cladding systems - 10 September 2018
- Letter 23 - to local authorities about recent issues arising from fire door tests - 1 August 2018
- Letter 22 - to local authority and housing association chief executives on the funding for removal and replacement of ACM cladding systems on high-rise buildings in the social housing sector - 25 May 2018
- Letter 21 - to local authorities instructing them to pay particular regard to cladding related issues when reviewing housing in their areas - 17 May 2018
- Letter 20 - to customers of Manse Masterdor Ltd regarding action required to review building risk assessments and provide information to the National Fire Chiefs Council - 16 May 2018
- Letter 19 - to local authority and housing association chief executives providing information on the investigation into fire doors - 15 March 2018
- Letter 18 - to the Local Government Association on government support for identification of private sector buildings - 1 March 2018
- Letter 17 - to local authority chief executives: New Burdens Assessment update - 19 October 2017
- Letter 16 - to private residential building owners requesting information about their buildings - 19 October 2017
- Letter 15 - about identifying all residential tower blocks with ACM cladding - legal clarification - 8 October 2017
- Letter 14 - to local authorities on wind-loading calculation for cladding - 5 September 2017
- Letter 13 - to local authorities and housing associations on the safety of large panel system buildings - 5 September 2017
- Letter 12 - to local authorities on identifying all residential tower blocks with ACM cladding: follow up guidance - 5 September 2017
- Letter 11 - to local authorities on the safety of their large panel system buildings with piped gas - 18 August 2017
- Letter 10 - to local authority chief executives on identifying all residential tower blocks with ACM cladding - 11 August 2017
- Letter 9 - to local authorities on the safety of large panel system buildings with piped gas - 11 August 2017
- Letter 8 - to local authorities on recladding of tall buildings - 13 July 2017
- Letter 7 - to permanent secretaries public sector estate safety checks - 28 June 2017
- Letter 6 - to local authorities and housing associations on safety checks following the Grenfell Tower fire - 22 June 2017
- Letter 5 - update to MPs on the Grenfell Tower disaster - 22 June 2017
- Letter 4 - to owners, landlords and managers of private residential blocks on safety checks on private residential blocks - 21 June 2017
- Letter 3 - to all registered providers on health and safety - 20 June 2017
- Letter 2 - to local authorities on safety checks following the Grenfell Tower fire: further guidance - 19 June 2017
- Letter 1 - to local authorities and housing associations on safety checks following the Grenfell Tower fire - 18 June 2017
Updates to this page
Added letter 36: to building control bodies on the retraction of three tests carried out on Kingspan K15 insulation
Added letter 35: to local planning authorities on amendments to the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO)
Added letter drawing attention to the publication of revised Building regulations and fire safety procedural guidance.
Added link to Approved Document B volume 1 and 2: circular 01/220, which draws attention to amendments to Approved Document B (fire safety) 2019 edition, volume 1: Dwellings & volume 2: buildings other than dwellings.
Added 'Letter 30 - to building control bodies regarding the application of requirement B4 of the Building Regulations 2010 - 1 July 2019'.
Added 'Remediation of private sector residential buildings with unsafe ACM cladding: ministerial direction'.
First published.