
Bulk change of address service available

The IPO is introducing a temporary service to process high volume requests to update the representative address for newly created comparable trade marks and re-registered designs.

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Bulk change of address service extended until 31 March 2022

The IPO is extending the temporary service to process high volume requests to update the representative address for newly created comparable trade marks and re-registered designs. It will be available until 31 March 2022.

Why we are offering this service

  • at the end of the transition period, newly created comparable trade marks and re-registered designs featured the representative name and address recorded at the EUIPO. This means many of them have an EEA-based representative address
  • owners and their representatives do not need to do anything as existing EEA addresses can remain for 3 years

Options to change address for service

  • if you wish to act early to change representative details for comparable trade marks and re-registered designs to a UK address for service, you have a number of options as outlined in the following paragraphs. Depending on your circumstances you may use a combination of options

Option 1: Global Update

This option is suitable where a representative is changing all the designs and/or trade marks they already represent at a single EEA address to a single UK address:

  • we require a single form TM33 for trade marks or a single form DF1A for designs, including a signature to authorise the change
  • the form must state “all marks” or “all designs”. We do not require a list of the cases to be updated
  • email the completed form directly to:
  • include the words ‘Global Update’ in the email subject line
  • every case under the existing Representative ID will be updated to the UK address

Option 2: Bulk Representative Update (temporary service)

This option can be used to update at least 50 cases where you wish to apply a single UK address for service for: Some, or all, of the comparable trade marks or re-registered designs that currently have another representative’s EEA address for service.


some, but not all, of the comparable trade marks or re-registered designs that you currently represent at an EEA address.

  • if you haven’t already done so, register your interest by emailing, providing: the name of your business; the name, email address and telephone number for a contact person in your business; and an estimate of the number of rights you seek to update
  • we will provide by email a spreadsheet template for you to complete
  • complete the spreadsheet template with details of at least 50 rights and submit this by email with a completed single TM33 or DF1A form to
  • all cases on a single spreadsheet must be moving from one single representative ID to another. You must provide the current EUIPO representative ID
  • we accept multiple owners on one request, but require separate spreadsheets for trade marks and designs.
  • for fewer than 50 updates use option 3

Option 3: Standard Filing of DF1A]/TM33

Use this option to change the representative address for multiple comparable trade marks and re-registered designs when neither of the above options are suitable.

  • email your TM33 or DF1A with a list of cases to be updated to
  • this can include International marks or designs


If you have any questions regarding this notice, please email

Updates to this page

Published 15 January 2021
Last updated 17 January 2022 show all updates
  1. Bulk change of address service extended until 31 March 2022.

  2. Bulk change of address service extended until 31 December 2021

  3. Bulk change of address service extended until 30 September 2021

  4. First published.

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