Business Improvement District Innovation Forum launches
Information on the launch of a Business Improvement District Innovation Forum.
Applies to England
This information was published under the 2022 to 2024 Conservative government and may not be reflective of current policy.
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are business-led partnerships which are created through a ballot process to improve the local environment for the benefit of business. For 20 years, we have seen the number of BIDs grow in England, helping to keep their areas clean, safe, and vibrant.
The government wants every BID to be transparent, accountable, and focused on making their local area better for the people living, working and visiting it. DLUHC is establishing a BID innovation forum to bring together representatives from business, local government, community organisations, as well as high street experts and academics to explore how BIDs can work more innovatively and effectively in their communities.
In its first year, the forum will focus on examining how the BID model in England can be improved for the future, providing government with a set of recommendations for change. The forum will also be asked to recommend a set of voluntary standards for BIDs.
DLUHC will keep the membership of the forum under review and may from time to time invite other organisations to join the forum, or others to leave to ensure a fully representative spectrum of views.
Further information about the membership of the forum will be published in due course, with the forum gathering for its first meeting in the Spring. Subsequent meetings will take place bi-monthly.
To share your thoughts with the Forum on how the BID model could be improved, please write to us via our webform.