Information and advice on what to think about and be aware of before you buy specific goods or services for your school.
As well as reviewing this guidance you can use the Get help buying for schools service:
- to get free help and advice from procurement specialists on buying goods and services
- if the thing you’re looking for is not listed
There’s also separate guidance on how to buy what you need which includes how to run a compliant procurement and ways to buy.
Department for Education (DfE) training is available on the Procurement Act 2023 and registration on the central digital platform.
Negotiate with suppliers to save money and make the most of their services.
How to find the best solution for the catering requirements of your school.
How to find the right cleaning services for your school or multi-academy trust.
How schools can buy consultancy services and use a DfE approved framework to get good value.
Find the right way to buy energy for your school.
Information and action to take at the end of a contract.
How to buy HR and payroll services and use a DfE approved framework to get good value.
Find the right way to buy ICT or computer hardware for your school.
What to consider to ensure you get the best value for money and a compliant lease agreement for your school.
How schools can evaluate the legal services they currently have, renegotiate fees and switch suppliers.
Find the right way to buy multi-functional devices (MFD) and printing services for your school.