
Cadet units: guide for government-funded schools

How state-funded schools can set up or join a cadet unit.

The Cadet Expansion Programme was established in 2012 to increase the number of schools with cadet units to 500 by March 2020.

This figure was derived through provision of additional LIBOR funding and the capacity of the cadet organisations to support new schools in the various geographical areas.

The maximum number of schools that can be supported has now been reached.

If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact:

Cadet expansion team


Phone 01325 340 489

There are still opportunities for pupils to join local community cadet units. Details of local units can be found at:

Updates to this page

Published 25 March 2014
Last updated 25 February 2019 show all updates
  1. Information updated to show the maximum number of schools that can be supported has now been reached.

  2. Clarified which schools are eligible to join the programme.

  3. Removed information on the cost of setting up a cadet unit because it is free of charge.

  4. First published.

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