
CCHS page structure

Read through this guidance to understand how the team at CCHS have structured this GOV.UK to help users navigate efficiently.

Applies to England

Topic segmentation

The UK’s climate is changing. Climate change caused by humans is resulting in more frequent and severe flooding, heatwaves, drought and wildfires. The risk level of an individual is a combination of the hazard itself, an individual or community’s specific vulnerabilities, and their exposure to the hazard. A specific risk is also determined by systems and settings, which are additional factors that have an impact on health.

The following sections contain information about each of the categories in the table below. Navigate through the sections to find information about how you, your community or your organisation may be impacted by climate change.

Climate-related Hazards Health Impacts Environmental Exposures Systems and Settings Vulneribilities
Extreme heat Vector borne diseases Aeroallergens Food systems Age
Cold weather Antimicrobial resistant infection Air quality Commercial determinants / industry Socio economic status
Flooding Mental health Water quality Engagement / communications Gender
Other (droughts, storms, wildfires) Co-morbidities Other (chemical, radiation) Indoor settings Ethnicity
  Other (food borne, fungal)   Places  

Use this section to find out about the impacts of climate-related hazards themselves, including hot weather, cold weather, flooding and wildfires.

Health impacts

This section is about the impacts that the UK’s changing climate has on health risks. For example, vector borne diseases, which are expected to spread Northwards as temperatures increase.

Environmental exposures

This section explores the factors (both indoors and outdoors) which can impact a person’s health. This section includes information about aeroallergens, air quality and water quality.

System and settings

This section is about factors that influence public health outcomes. It includes food systems, commercial and industrial determinants, communications, indoor settings and places.


This section contains information about the factors that make a person more vulnerable to hazards. This includes gender, age, ethnicity and socio-economic status.

Throughout each of the pages, there are embedded navigation tools designed to help find information more quickly and enhance the overall experience on the CCHS page. The pages are designed to be interconnected.

At the top, you’ll find a CCHS navigation menu, allowing easy access to different sections of the site. Below that, a grey box highlights linked key resources for quick reference.

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Published 19 December 2024

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