Certificate of Destruction (CoD) and Notification of Destruction (NoD) service
This service provides a Certificate of Destruction (CoD) and Notification of Destruction (NoD) for an authorised treatment facility (ATF).
The Certificate of Destruction (CoD) and Notification of Destruction (NoD) service allows an authorised treatment facility (ATF) to notify DVLA when vehicles are depolluted or destroyed and allows them to:
- issue a CoD, notifying DVLA to permanently close the vehicle record for that vehicle as it has been depolluted or destroyed
- enable the ATF to issue a physical CoD certificate, either to the keeper of the vehicle or to the person who presented the vehicle for destruction
- inform DVLA of a NoD for vehicles that fall outside the CoD process but have been depolluted or destroyed
Only a person or company who holds a valid ATF Permit may access the CoD and NoD online service.
Before continuing, you should have read the terms and conditions.
Find out more information about this service.
Before you start
Approved users
If you are an ATF that has the appropriate permit, you should have received information allowing you to access the DVLA CoD and NoD service.
Applying for a permit to become an ATF
An ATF Permit is issued by the relevant Environmental Regulator, depending on your business location.
The Environment Regulators are:
- Environment Agency (EA), England
- Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)
- Natural Resources Wales (NRW)
- Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA)
CoD and NoD contacts
If you have not received a unique username or ID and password from DVLA or are experiencing access problems, please email: COD@dvla.gov.uk
Alternatively, you can apply for access to the system by writing to:
The COD Team
Digital Operations,
If you require a password reset, please call 0300 123 0793, which is available Monday to Friday from 8am to 7pm and Saturday from 8am to 2pm.
If you’re a registered ATF and have a CoD or NoD related query, please call our help desk on 0300 123 1345 (option 2), which is available Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.