Company certification to work with F gas
When you need company certification to work with fluorinated gas (F gas) and how to get it.
Your company, including sole traders, must be certified by an approved body to service stationary equipment containing F gas operated by others. This includes:
- air conditioning
- refrigeration
- fire protection
You don’t need a company certificate to service:
- refrigerated trucks and trailers
- high voltage switchgear
- car and van mobile air-conditioners
Your company must be certified to:
- install
- repair
- maintain
- decommission
To be certified you must be able to demonstrate that you:
- employ enough trained staff to do the work
- have a written procedure for how you handle F gases safely and minimise emissions
Your certification body may audit your company to check that you’re following the rules.
It is against the law to work with F gas if you don’t have the correct certification. If you don’t, you could receive a civil penalty for breaking the law. See the Environment Agency enforcement sanctions policy
If you see someone working with F gas that doesn’t have the right certification, report it to
Servicing your own equipment
If your company services only your own equipment, it doesn’t need to be certified.
For example, if a supermarket directly employs someone to service its own refrigeration system, the supermarket does not need to be certified. If it contracts another company to service the refrigeration system, that company must be certified.
Any individual who works with and handles F gas must have personal qualifications to work with F gas.
Stationary refrigeration and air conditioning: certification bodies
To service refrigeration or stationary air conditioning and heat pump systems for other businesses, your company must have certification from one of these organisations:
Old Mansion House
Eamont Bridge
CA10 2BX
Telephone: 01768 860 409
Company number: 06772204
8 North Parade Buildings
Telephone: 01225 667 697
Company number: 05665301
Fifth Floor
66 Prescot Street
E1 8HG
Telephone: 0845 600 1828
Company number: 01758622
You must renew your company’s certification every 3 years.
Fire protection systems: certification bodies
To service fire protection systems, your company must be certified by the Fire Industry Association:
Tudor House
Kingsway Business Park
Oldfield Road
Middlesex, UK
TW12 2HD
Telephone: 020 3166 5002
Company number: 05989140
Updates to this page
Updated company certification details.
Added web addresses for certification bodies.
We have added the addresses and contact details for accredited organisations who can certify a company to work with F gas.
First published.